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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/836

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oonv mm10N-Gannon. Mfz/asm; Jeni T7?§ xparrfoeing rcfw mspi c5v 1rp61¢a11a1 1rpo6cé1rmv Oélovoz ua1a#aiMLco‘0a1 151:6 1451* 1rpo£évwv, 4 ARTICLE ),Ap0pOV 1g". The said consuls-general, con- Q"€iP'l/*é:’°* }’·”f”‘°l "P6g"°’, D°’°“ suls, vice·consuls and consular "P°g*"°'» '”f°”'P°E”’°' ""’l_"/*0* agents are authorized to require £*f’”‘°l _"/’“”"’°P‘$ 6"""Q"”’“"f" l'»h€ 8·SSlSl38.DC8 of the authori- Va :77076 1777172 0'U‘V¢?P0/f?]?' T07V ties for the arrest, detention and é7’Xf·’Pi'·"’ a/’X°·"’ "PQ$ "”M’7'/"j’» imprisnnmnnt of the dnsnrmm xparqazv ual qivilamozv raw from the ships of war and mer- ‘€P"’""‘51’ T";" "°M}f""f;" "fl chant vessels of their country; and 6/‘f'°/”"“f" ”A°!‘*”’ T7? f“”'°”’ for this purpose they shall apply {WP"?" E"; '°”"9Q 6* ‘0f)*°'{°'"' to the competent tribunals, judges “"·"’0”f’·*°'0“* "P°F fa ”P/***6;** and officers and shall, in writing, 6'f“’“"’f7/’f"> 6”""°°"fgy mn , “i°‘ demand said deserters, proving by xas my éleitcvvz Cure: eyypayiws the exhibition of the registers of T0"? afp'?/“"°”$'_ 6Pf"”€""$`1’“'”°‘ i the vessels, the rolls of the crews, 6""""°""$ am _'"?? *f"6‘f_‘§""f or by other official documents, that T0;" }3'}”€“"’ ”A°'f’" '7, "°" such individuals formed part of ’f°'”"‘fA°7"ff’ '/ ap"? ""°"7}“"f' the crews, and on this reclamation *}’J’ff“"é‘*"’ °“"_ "“ {'P°°"""f' T""' being thus substantiated the sur- "‘ 'f""'7"f”’_"f "“ ’{A'7P"Q"‘?“¤ render shall not be refused. Such md ml Tl! “"'7°;“ "avfllfll ‘Q”"“’ deserters, when arrested, shall be ‘i‘6"‘f"‘?d°7’7{“"¥?> ‘" f7'X“"/°"” placed at the disposal of the said "f’X‘" G"', 0d"""" ,"/fydolgaf oonsuls-general, consuls, vice- T'?" ,""‘p“'E°°'"' m'"'"'- , O' oonsuls and consular agents, and 6M"'""' °”"°' °”lA“/*»8f""°/“€‘ may be confined in tnn public vo: Oéhotidz ·ri0£0’daz sig ·r1yv61nrprisons at the request and cost of gw"', '“’." Eip'7/‘f"""’ 7f"""“"' those who claim them, in order to ”f’°‘E"“"'> ”p°‘E“’“"'» _""°"P°‘ be sent to the vessels to which ‘E";“”' ’“"i, "p°‘E""‘“”' "*°"j they belonged, or to others of the ’"°p“"’· ‘E'·”""'T‘" _6A "“l V"' same country. But if not sent ¢"l"’“f"0°’°"’i E'? "“'$ 6’f/*Q""“F back within the space of two ¢$'{}*“’“fF» f*'i""7°`*' {di ?`¤"'¤"’*"f months, reckoning from the day "'·”’ “f_f"°""‘;‘·"’ """‘i"9 "'lf°·€‘: of their arrest, they shall be set "“"’, °'f°’9__”f'°"T“A°f*_°"’f Hf T"' at liberty. and shall not again be "l°i”f'5 a ¢f"'7’¢°"; 'I {19 fddf arrested for the same cause. ff/=* ‘"""7F Xwpag- AM fla" /***7 a1ro1re;.¢¢Oo5o‘zv_ ev 61Cl(TT7;}lC¥T1 6150 pryvcév aimi T7}; riuépag 11}; ovM1}¢em; aorcév, Oékovozv £l;7l'Oll;€0'0Gl uai 6e? Oélovoz o‘1i7Ula;¢;3aiveo‘0az 1r7Léov 6:12 1;} , avr;] airfq. It is understood, however, that ’Evvos'i·raz Sym; 671 div 6 6paif the deserter should be found to rrényg 6 151:puE e rvxov mzxoziphave commltlléd any crime Ol' Of- yryur Tl 1} 11R1;;4;4.{R1;;xu, 1; zrupdfence, his surrender may be de- dom; mira:} drivaraz rl Jvalayed until the tribunal before mL1g0f; péxpzg 3101; Tl; é7IlA.T]¢0é\‘Y