0oNvENr10N-ennncs. which the case shall be depending ,,75 ,;,,0550-m,g {min]; 3maO-1;}. shallhavepronounced its sentence, ,,,0,, gx5G;;" 1,),, ,§m§¢,,,gW mj. and such sentence shall have been T0;') ua), 1} &m§¢qing az'}-ny éxrecarried into effect. Aggyj · ARTICLE XIV ”Ap0p0v 14***1 “· In the absence of an agreement `Eurds évav-ria; avméwviag to the contrary, between the own- taraé 1} 1Q5V i6m;¢·n;-rév, £¢o7rAzers, freighters and insurers, all 61-(5v nal J¢·r¢aAza’·r¤5v, rréaaz damagessuifered at sea, by the. m' Jpapiaz Eg Jzéanyaav Ev vessels of the two countries, 0a2tés6p 14:2 zritoia miv 6150 whether they enter the respective xwpév vrpoccyyfioynx sig 101}: ports voluntarily or are forced by Alluévag 7775 érépag site énovaimg stress of weather or other cause, Mrs ,8zaQ6,uava 1;7l’(; gmuouazpia; over which the officers have no P) dnwv uirimv, aZva£ap·n}·mw control, shall be settled by the nj; poviufasing ·n,·,5v uveepvcév- consuls-general, cousuls, vicecon- raw anim}, Oélovcz xavon’Cw·0a¢ suls and consular agents of the iyozfaims zine 1157 ys·ruu.5v country in which they respectively nrpoéévaw, zpcéévmv, zinorrpo- . reside; in case, however, any citi— gévmv nai zrpoéaqxév zrpaxrdzen of the country in which the paw I nig _(¤Sp¢¢_,»,,év yi c61oz ‘ said officers reside, or subjects of é6pa1$ovm. ’Ev roafvmzg Ev Breathird power, shouldbeinterested pzxrdcez xa0° tckirqs iz; in these damages, and the parties . 11); xafpag év of of eipqpévoz rrpé- cannot come to an amicable agree- Eevoz Mpeéovuzv Q} zimfxooz ment, the competent local author- rpirov xpérovg, év6m·¢épwv·ruz ities shall decide. sig 1d; eiprypévug aijffapias, of oe 6mio`u¢0z dev Jzivarvraz Va} rrp0- fk0m0’1v sig ¢lA.lJ¢1;V rrvuz Gvvevvtimfzv, {ur nip,u¢i6w1 éyxcépxox azpxal dékovcfzv a:7ro¢a0’i§e1. ARTIPLE XV "_,;pg/,,,,, 15·»_ M1!' All °P°mtionS mlative to tha Hddaxa a/z'5pya0‘[az uziojycrzuai salvage of United States vessels ,,5,,,;; T,),, yayaylafpggly ygmiwy wrecked “P°“ the coast-S of Gmcc, fC5V rHvm;¢Evwv ]I0M1'61c.5v ravand of Greek vessels upon the ayogygwy 6;; mg; ({,,1,;; 1,;; coasts of the United States: Shall °ElX¢t60g, nai {Mk1;:/uq5v nlofmv be directed by the m$P0ctiV° con- vavayoaivraw sig rd; dard; ·rr5v ¤¤lS-g¤¤¤¤L <><>¤¤¤1¤, and vice- °Hw.¢;4éw.w 11am1m.;?, anew; consuls of the two countries, and (;·,",g,jy£,ygm ,;,,0 TG;,, 0;,,€;my until their 8.1'1'iVKl, by H10 l‘8SP€0— ygylxév rrpoéfévmvy yrpoffévcav tive consular agents, where con- ,,0,; ,§,m,,p,,ggym,,, ,,,1;, ygxpl Sul" agencies *’XlSt- 11}; roairwv elcéaewg, dm} 1:157 oiucimv npoéevzuév rrpaurdpaw, 37I."0U zirraipxovdr 1rp0E€— vmu npanropeia, MV In places and ports where there ’Ev rei; rénozg ual Mpédzv is no such agency, the local author e"v0a rozminx upauropcia dév
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/837