1072 srxrrnrrr Qoxonnss. sm. 11. cu. 319. 1909. “'h<*°“¤¤· W- V°· Sec. 20. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the city of Wheeling, IIE]. the State of West Virginia, two condemned bronze fieldpreces, with their carrrages, ,'Qg*g*;°- me which may be available and may not be needed m the_service: Prope -vided, That no ex nse shall be incurred by the United States in _ connection with th; donation of the above—mentioned articles of ordnance property. _ Fm >i¤¤i¤<>¤.i<>w¤- Sec. 21. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the city of Fort Madison, Iowa, two brass or bronze "Napoleon" guns, with carriages and with a suitable outfit mum, of cannon balls, to be placed on the site of old Fort Madison; Pro- N° °‘P°°“°· vided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States m the delivery of the same. _ mm. .Sec. 22. That the Secrets. of War be, and he is herebiy, authorized and directed to furnish to the State of Utah two con ernned brass or bronze field ns, with carriages, and with a suitable outt of canmmm. non balls, whichimay not be needed in the service: Provided, That "° °"¥’°““’· np expense shall be incurred by the United States in the dehvery of t e same. - L¤=¤ve¤w<>r¤¤.K¤¤¤·Sec. 23. That the Secretary of War be, and is hereby, authorized . and directed to donate to the city of Leavenworth, State of Kansas, , · two condemned bronze or brass fieldpieces, with carriages, with suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may not be needed m the service, mmm. the same to be placed in a public park or place in said city: Pro- ”°°‘P°“"°· ended, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States in delivery of same. name mma. Sec. 24. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the State of Rhode Island two condemned bronze fieldpieces, with their carriages, and a suitable outfit of can- " non balls, w `ch may be available and may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed on the state capitol grounds in the city Promo. of Providence: Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the N°°‘”°°°' United States in connection with the donation of the above-mentioned articles of ordnance propertfy. B0mcrvi11¤.M¤¤- Sec. 25. That the Secretary 0 War is hereby authorized and directed to donate to the mayor of Somerville, Massachusetts, four condemned bronze or brass cannon, with their carri es, to be placed p,,,,;,,, at a soldiers’ monument in that city: Promkled, That the Govern- N° "P°¤°°- ment shall be at no expense in connection with this "ft. · Mercer ceumy, W. Sec. 26. That the Secretary of War be, and he is Eiereby, authorv" ized and directed ·to donate to the county court of Mercer County, VVest Virginia, two condemned bronze iieldpieces, with their carriages, and a suitable outfit of camion balls, which may be available and may not be needed in the service, the same to be used in the park surroundiraghthe court house, in the town of Princeton, West Virginia: mmm. Provided, at no expense shall be incurred by the United States in' N° °"¥’°“”°· connection with the donation of the above-mentioned articles of ordnance property. Murgag évlrgp PM- Sec. 27. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized W W ’and directed to furnish to the Grand Army Post at Lewistown, Pennsylvania, two condemned brass or bronze "Napoleon" guns, with their carriages and with a suitable outfit of cannon balls, which may not be needed in the service, the same to be placed at the monument erected to the memory of the soldiers and sailors of the late nm-at. civil war in the public square in Lewistown, Permsvlvania: Provided, 1**** *¤P<*¤*· That no expense shall be incurred by the United States in the delivery of the same. Du1vi1le,Va. Sec. 28. That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to donate to the city of Danville, in the State of Virginia, two condemned bronze fieldpieces, with their carriages and a suitable
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