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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/179

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 168. 1908. 16] FIFTH Lmnr-Housn DISTRICT. rum mmm. One buoy to be placed off Cape Henry; one buoy to be placed to the northward of the Middle Ground near the entrance to Chesapeake Bay, and one relief buoy, all to be light and signal or whistling buoys, each fitted with submarine bell, at a cost for the three buoys not to exceed twenty-seven thousand dollars. For a post-lantern light, at or near the mouth of Lower Broad Creek, North Carolina, at a cost not to exceed five hundred dollars. The limit of cost for a light and fog-signal station at Ragged Point, Potomac River, Virginia, authorized by the Act approved June twen· vox. 2.4, p. 1317. tieth, nineteen hundred and six, is hereby increased by the sum of live thousand dollars, so as to make the total limit of cost thirty-five thousand dollars instead of thirty thousand dollars, as heretofore authorized. sixm Lrerrr-House DISTRICT. smh di¤¤’i¤*~ A tender for the use of the engineer in the Sixth Light-House District and elsewhere, as may be directed, at a cost not to exceed thirty thousand dollars. A light and si nal or whistling buoy, to be placed off the entrance to Saint Johns River, Florida, and a relief buoy for same, at a cost not to exceed eighteen thousand dollars. mourn mem-uonsn msmmcr. Ewhth d*¤*¤¤*- A light and fog-signal station at or near the end of Sabine Pass Jett , at a cost not to exceed forty thousand dollars. _ The limit of cost for light and fog-si nal station at ornear the outer end of one of the jetties at Galveston Tlarbor, as fixed by the Act of V°*·2’· P- 417- June eleventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-six, is hereby increased by the sum of ten thousand dollars, so as to make the total limit of cost forty-five thousand dollars instead of thirty-five thousand dollars, as heretofore authorized. A buoy wharf and depot shed at Fort San Jacinto, Texas, Military (Reservation, Galveston Harbor, at a cost not to exceed ten thousand ollars. xmrn Lmur-uonsn msrmcr. Nimh d*¤¤*¤¢- A light vessel at Milwaukee Bay, Wisconsin, at a cost not to exceed seventy-five thousand dollars. A fog-signal station at Grand Point au Sable, Michigan, at a cost not to exceed eleven thousand dollars. TENTH LIGHT-House DISTRICT. Tenth district A light station at each of the east and west breakwater pierheads, entrance to Cleveland Harbor, Ohio, at a cost not to exceed forty-five thousand dollars. mnnvzum Lmur-uonsn DISTRICT. E1¤v¤¤¤¤ di¤¤’i¢¢· The limit of cost of the relief light vessel for the Ninth and Eleventh light-house districts, authorized by the Act approved March third, nine- vox. az, p. ma teen hundred and three, is hereby increase by the sum of twenty thousand dollars, so as to make the total limit of cost fifty thousand dollars instead of thirty thousand dollars, as heretofore au orized. The Light-House Board shall make survey and estimate the cost and report upon the feasibility and need of establishinga light and fog