162 SIXTI ETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 168. 1908. station on Gull Island, or the easterly end of Michigan Island, Apostle Group, and whether when said station is established the existing station on the westerly end of Michigan Island can be safely closed, such sluruvley and report to cost not to exceed the sum of two thousand o rs. rwsirm enum. ·rwnn1•rH uorrr-noUs11 Drsrmcr. A light and fog-signal station at or near Four Mile Creek, near Punta Gorda, California, at a cost not to exceed sixty thousand dollars. A light and fogsignal station at some point on the northerly or wester y coast of auai Island, Hawaii, at a cost not to exceed seventy- five thousand dollars. Thj!w€nghdh¤·icg_ THIRTEENTH LIGHT—HOUSE ISISTRICT. · The Light-House Board shall survey and estimate the cost and regprt upon the feasibility and need of establishing a light vessel or hg t station at or near rford Reef, off Cape Blanco, regon, such gum and report to cost not to exceed the sum of two thousand o . commu. S1-:c._2. That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor is hereby author1zed_to enter into contract or contracts for any or all of the 1tems_prov1ded_for in section one of this Act within the limits of cost therein regmgctiveily provided. on houses. `nc. 3. at the `ecretary of Commerce and Labor is hereb authorized to establish and provide in the Light-House Establishmenyt vat such places as shall, in the opinion of the Light-House Board, be for the best mterglests ofhthe t-House Service, two oil houses, at a cost not to excee one thousand five hundred dollars for each one. New Yqrk and Sec. 4. That it is hereby made the duty of the Li ht-Hou Bo -1 Pililiiidiilgghigwl to care for and maintain the anchorage buoys in Niw Yorlstilarhbi angPh1;adtel]plna Harbor heregofore placed there by the United States. lgideq lirshw- `Ec. . at any person rm company or corporation red ,;.l',.£l'm° °f r°g°l°` by law maintain a lightior lights uponiauy bridge or abutihlialds over or in anynavigable waters, who s all fa,1 or refuse to maintain such_hght or lights, or to obey any of the lawful rules and regulations runny. relating to the same, shall deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be sub]ect to a une not exceeding the sum of one hundred dollars for each ptfensengud gach day duxgng which such violation shall continue shall >e consn ere as a new o ense. <>_¤·~mw¤¤¤ ¤;l¤•¤=·i- Sec. 6. That it shall be unlawful for any per: n to b t -t ·' te -- "mm f°rbmd°fere with any aid to navigation established or niaiiitaiiied thhullilght- Housp l·]stablishment under the Light-House Board, or to anchor anv vesse in any of the navigable waters of the Unit zd St t r . ti obstruct_or interfere withbrange lights maintaiuedl thergiiii zjridadiiy person_v1olating the provisions of this sectnon shall be deemed guiltv ,,m_m__ of a misdemeanor and be subject to a hue not exceeding the sum of five pundiieiflollays for p;Yi1l0flense,and Each day during which such violaion s 13 con mue s re consic ere as a new offense. nepm on discon- Sec. 7. That the Secretary of Commerce and L.} .h· ll ll * ""‘“‘“"""’“gl"“·°“`· cause the Light-House Board to make B report to hii1i(ii>; tiiangmiggoh to Congress of all ands to navigation in service which may be discontumed withFc;lut distinct injury to the interests of navigation. rcngxeiswn-. CEC. 8. at the Light-House Board is auth i dat l t 1 - “’*""”’“"- porarily at Washington, not exceeding three dszdtisiiienj tglbleopraid lit curgent rzges, to prepare plans for the tenders and light vessels authorue by t is Act and to be paid from the respect1ve appropriations therefpr, suchlemployment to terminate on or before the date when the ans or suc tenders and vessels shall be fix ish d · cl ·. is f - building them respectively are invited by adv<;rtis3emderi1tsl)r0pO§a I Ol
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