SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 168, 170-172. 1908. 163 Sec. 9. Thateverylight-house keeperandassistantlight-housekeeper K€*2P°'**·°*°· in the Light-House Establishment of the United States shall be entitled Kwon to receive one ration per day or, in the discretion of the Light-House Board, commutation therefor at the rate of thirty cents per ration. Approved, May 14, 1908. CHAP. 170.-An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to prevent the imports- Mafé_1gj,}%08' tion of impure and unwholesome tea," approved March second, eighteen hundred — A _ -- _ -- and Dil1Bty—S8V€I1. , [Public, Bo. 11i.l Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives of the [mtted Ten States of America in Ocngress assembled, That section one of "An Act imnvrwricn 9i_ im— _ to prevent the importation of impure and unwholesome tea," approved pu$Zi,9iSj’§ir€0}ilb`md` March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, be amended by ,,,,,,,,80 adding at the end thereof the following words; “Provided, That Tea uséq in manns nothing herein shall affect or prevent the importation into the United §*}§Yf‘,‘§?,. §§,1§§g§l”°’ States, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe, of any merchandise as tea which ma be inferior in purity, quality, and fitness for consumption to the standards established by the Secretary of the Treasury, or of any tea waste, tea siftings, or tea sweepings, for the sole purpose of manufacturing theine, caffeine, or other chemical products whereby the identity and character of the original material is entirely destroyed or changed; and that importers and manu- B<>¤<1- facturers who import or bring into the United States such tea, tea waste, tea siftings, or tea sweepings shall give suitable bond, to be approved as to amount and securities by the Secretary of the Treasury, conditioned that said imported material shall be only used for the purposes herein provided,.under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury." _ Approved, May 16, 1908. CHAP. 171.-An Act To create the office of captain in the Philippine Scouts. Msg Be It enacted by the Senate and [10U8e?(gf1£t’])7‘(3.967LtdZl·’U¢’.¥ of the bhitgd [Public, No. us.; States of America in (bngress assenabted, That the othec of captain in £m1_ipvi¤n~ s•···¤¤~, the Philippine Scouts is hereby created as a grade of rank in the mili- ,.,,.,,,f.$_`"[ """“"` "‘ tary establishment. Such captains shall be selected from officers of the grade of first lieutenants in said scouts, and shall be given provi- ,t‘;€;£tl<*¤¤¤·* Mr sional a pointments for periods of four years each., and no such appoint- pin-mt ' ments sliall be continued for a second or subsequent period unless the ,,,_w_,,,, ofiicers’ conduct shall have been satisfactory in every respect: Pre- imximiim number. vided, That the number of officers provisionally appointed under the terms of this Act shall not at any time exceed the number of companies of said native troops which may be formed by the President from time to time for service in the Philippine Islands. Approved, May 16, 1908. CHAP. 17 2.-An Act For the widening of Benning road, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House cfRepv·ese1ztatives of the Cmited [Pubm NO` m" States of America in Congress assembled, That under and in accordance ;f1f£,;¤¤¤*>i¤- with the provisions of subchapter one of chapter fifteen of the Code condemning" me of Law for the District of Columbia, within ninety days after the ded- i°”‘"°°“‘“g‘ ication to the District of Columbia of fifty per centum of the land necessary for the widening of Benning road in the District of Columbia
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