SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 180, 181. 1908. 169 thereto across the Rio Grande River, at Brownsville, in the State of P°"·P- 576- Texas, connecting the city of Brownsville, Texas, with the city of Matamoros, Mexico: Promded, That the construction of the said bridge Promo. shall not be commenced until the consent of the proper authorities of ,.,?,$`°,§,£t °f M°“°° the Republic of Mexico for the erection of the structure shall have been obtained. That the Yellowstone Valley Steel Bridrre Company, a corporation Mgfg°°¤¤* RW"- organized under the laws of the State of ltiontana, its successors and reiinynmne vaney assigns, be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, ?,,°§‘§.1If;f,§‘;*§?°°mp““’ and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Missouri River at or within one mile west of the east boundary line of Montana, in Location. the State of Montana. That an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the con truction of a K:f,L”°;’¤‘},',§,§i'°*· bridge across the Missouri River at a point to be selected within five mlné extended an miles north of the Kaw River in Wyandotte County, State of Kansas, B§l$“}§'.¥g,,“%,,§$“*‘;’,$§ and Clay Count , State of Missouri, and to make the same a post ******0*** route," approved, December seventeenth, nineteen hundred and two, vol. if2, p. vas, be, and the same is hereby, revived and declared to be in full force and '"“°"°°°‘ effect, and that section eight of said Act is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "That this Act shall be null and void if actual construction of the bridge herein authorized be not commenced within rimsemnmpimen. one year and completed within three years from the first day of May, nirrielteenhhundred apdueiglht." b S f M k Ri att ecountyo us n, int e tateo Michi n, acor ration M‘,§§k°¥°§ V"- organized under the laws gba State of Michigan, its succesggrs and Mich-. :ii¤Ov brggsilgty assigns, be, and they are hereby, authorized to construct, maintain, and operate a highway bridge and approaches thereto across the Muskegon nx.-anon. River on the line between the counties of Muskegon and N ewaygo, in . said State of Michigan. · Sec. 2. That all of the bridges authorized to be constructed by this °"“’"“°“°“· Act shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Act Vol- 3*- r- **3- entitled “An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. Amendment Sec. 3. Ilhat the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ` expressly reserved. Approved, May 20, 1908. CHAP. 181.-An Act To authorize the drainage of certain lands in the State of Mw 20- WB Minnesota. ETH .. Public, 0.125.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Reif}1‘€867?-dd¢i®C8 of the United States zf America in Gmgress assembled, T nat all lands in the State {’:¤>g<;1¤¤¤¤£a b of Minnesota, when subject to entry, and all entered lands for which {mw §f£€°3.·’§'g.§ no Hnal certiiicates have issued, are hereby made and declared to °“"· subject to all of the provisions of the laws of said State relating to the drainage of swamp or overilowed lands for agricultural purposes to the same extent and in the same manner in which lands of a like character held in private ownership are or may be subject to said laws: Pm _ Provided, That the United States and all persons legally holding Rl8K':;' sin, to be unpatented lands under entries made under the public—land laws of the °°°°“*°d· United States are accorded all the rights, Privileges, and benefits given by said laws to persons holding lands o a like character in private ownership. _ Sec. 2. That the cost of constructing canals, ditches, and other c°${’*’°""’““‘°‘" °f drainage works incurred in connection with any drainage project under said laws shall be equitably ariportioned among all lands held in private ownership all lands covered y unpatented entries, and all imentered _ _ public lands affected by such project; and officially certified lists show- °* °* ing the amount of the charges assessed against each smallest legal sub-
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