170 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 181. 1908. division of such lands shall be furnished to the register and receiver of the land district in which the lands affected are located as soon as said ammo sum not charges are assessed, but nothing in this Act shall be construed as ]““°l°‘ creating any obli ation on the United States to pay any of said charges. S°‘*="°*‘ ****8**- Sec. 3. That 51 charges legally assessed may be enforced agamst any unentered lands, or against any lands covered by an unpatented entry, by the sale of such ands subject to the same manner and under the same proceedings under which such charges would be enforced against lands held in private ownership. ,_gg*g{,gg°° °*°°'°“> Sec. 4. That when any unentered lands, or any lands covered_ by an ` unpatented entry, have been sold in the manner mentioned in this Act, a statement of such sale showing the price at which each legal subd1· vision was sold shall be officially certified to the register and receiver immediately after the completion of such sale. P¤¢¤¤¤ *¤ P¤¥{,¤¤* Sec. 5. That at any time after any sale of unentered lands has been gishngzliitliriildeuf W made in the manner and for the purposes mentioned in this Act patent shall issue to the purchaser thereof u on payment to the receiver of the minimum price of one dollar andptwenty-five cents per acre, or such other price as may have been fixed by law for such lands, together with the usual fees and commissions charged in entry of like lands Li¤¤i¢¤¤<>¤¤- under the homestead laws. But urchasers at a sale of unentered lands shall have the qualification ofp homestead entrymen and not more than one hundred and sixty acres of such lands shall be sold to any one c§,'{L‘§§_ m mm °X` purchaser under the provisions of this Act. This limitation shall not _ a ply to sales to the . tate but shall apply to purchases from the State ,, ,2f°‘°°'“°i of unentered lands bid in for the State. Any part of the dpurchase money arising from the sale of any lands in the manner an for the urposes provided in this Act which shall bein excess of the payments herein required and of the total draina e charges assessed against such lands shall also be paid to the receiverdyefore patent is issued. mlQQ({°e’{_°§€;’f ““P“*‘ Sec. 6. That any unpatented lands sold in the manner and for the purposes mentioned in this Act may be patented to the purchaser thereof at any time after the expiration of the period of redemption provided for in the drainage laws under which it may be sold (there aving been no redemption) upon the payment to the receiver of the fees and commissions and the price mentioned in the preceding section, or so much thereof as has not already been paid by the entryman; Pnyv·¤¤¤»wf e><v¤~¤· and if the sum received at any such sale shall be in excess of the y— ments herein required and of the drainage assessments and cost ofptlhe sale, such excess shall be paid to the pro r county officer for the F··rr¤{¤¤r;¤(;{¤h¤;rs¤;¤, benefit of and padyment to the entryman. That unless the purchasers $$,"};['° "" "' " "° ’ of unentered lan s shall within ninety days after the sale provided for in section three, pa to the iroper receiver the fees, commissions and purchase price to which the Illmted States may be entitled as provided in section live, and unless the purchasers of entered lands shall within ninety days after the right of redemption has expired make like pay— p§j§{],f_;f_"'“’°‘¥“°“‘ ments as provided forin this section, any person having the qualifications of a homestead entryman may pay to the proper receiver for not more W nm m_____`_ than one hundred and sixty acres of land for which such payment has W lnot been made: First, the unpaid fees, commissions and purchase price to which the United States may then be entitled: and, second, the sum at which the land was sold at the sale for drainage charges, and in addition thereto, if bid in by the State, interest on the amount bid by the State at the rate of seven per centum per annum from the date of such sale, and thereupon the person making such payment shall become subrogated to the rights of such purchaser to receive a patent for said land. When any payment is made to effect such subrogaticn the receiver shall transmit to the treasurer of the county where the land is situated the amount at which the land was sold at the sale for drainage charges together with the interest paid thereon, if any, less
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