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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/787

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770 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 255. 1909.

  • ’“g°“ S°“”"·“’”'*· Construction plant, navy—yard, Puget Sound, Wasliington: Repairs

to and improvement of plant at navy—yard, Puget Sound, Washington, twenty thousand dollars. Efgfggdng S”°°“’ BUREAU or sTnAM mnommnmuo. Steam machinery. STEAM MACHINERY: For completion, repairing, and preservation of machinery and boilers of naval vessels, including cost of new boilers: distilling, refrigerating, and auxiliary machinery; preservation of and small repairs to machinery and boilers in vessels in ordinary, receiving and training vessels; repair and care of machinery of ard tugs and launches, four million four hundred thousand dollhrs: Provided, (*Qg;’{,§;g ..vem,,, That so much of the foregoing and current appropriation as may be a¤<1**Prom¤thw¤." necessary may be used to build the machinery of the colliers Vestal ' and Prometheus, now under construction at the navy-yards, New York and Mare Island, respectively. mam-im, ew. For purchase, handling, and preservation of all material and stores; purchase, fitting, repair, and preservation of machinery and tools in pavyé-ygrdsdapiplt stalfions, aging fiunning yard engines, two million two un re an thousand dollars. ¥¤¤id¤¤¤*l¤· For incidental, expenses for navy vessels, yards, the engineering experiment station, such as photographing, books, stationery, technical books, periodicals, engineering indices, and instruments, five thousand seven hundred dollars. ,°g°¤'*<=¤l· °'·°·· *1* Prmnkled, That the sum to be paid out of this appropriation "Steam ` machine ," imder the direction of the Secretary of the Navy, for clerical, ldiafting, ins ection, and messenger service in navy-yards, naval stations, and ogces of United States inspectors of machine , and of engineering material, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieiili, nineteen hundred and ten, shall not exceed three hundred and fifty thousand and sixty-three dollars and two cents. hIn alla steamhmaénhmlesyil six million six hundred and ii.fty-five thousand seven un re dollars. gggggghrgegl Machinerv plant, navy—yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire: For V aldditional heayggripwer tool for new boiler and mac me shops, t irty thousanc. dollars. B°°°°¤-M”¤- _ Machineryplant,navy—yard,Boston,Massachusetts: For additional tlools for foundry} machine, and coppcrsmith shops, five thousand o ars. New rmx, N. r. Machinery plant, navy-yard, New York, New York: For additional machine tools for copper, boiler, machine, and pattern shops, and foundrv. twenty-five thousand dollars. PM1a¤a¤r>¤ia· Pa- Machinery plant, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For additional rim};-hine tools for machine and boiler shops, twenty-five thousand o ars. N¤rf¤rk.Va Machinery plant, navy—yard, Norfork, Virginia: For additional machine tools to eguipu machine, boiler, and coppersmith shops, twentv-five thousand < dollars. M¤rer¤1a¤d.C·¤1. · Machinery plant, navy—yard, Mare Island, California: For addiggnal new maclhipeiltools for machine and boiler shops and foundry, een thousan. dollars. Pasecsouuawasn. Machinery plant, navy- ard, Puget Sound, YVashington: For additional new machine toolbs required in repair work of naval vessels, twenty-five thousand dollars. Cavite. P. 1. Machinery plant, naval station, Cavite, Philippine Islands; For additional new machine tools, required to facilitate repairs to naval veisels on Asiatic Station, fifteen thopsand ilrglars. u¤»·¤1.i¤;m·:my. _ ngmeering experiment station, lnitea states Naval Academv. mgilghhgigexmni Annapolis, )1aryland—Experi1nent:1l and research work: For or-iginhl investigation and extended experimentation of naval appliances;