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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/802

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srxrmrn couonsss. sm. 11. cu. 2as. 1909. 785 enth, nineteen hundred and six: Provided, That said Indians, before gmgbe OHM being paid, shall be required to furnish evidence of their respective` losses satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior. II. GENERAL OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES. n$xgg;;·gs9¤¤¤*¤¤¤¤ noann or INDIAN cornnssronnns. For expenses of the commission of citizens, serving without com- °*“"”°°m”**“*°¤· pensation, appointed by the President under the provisions of the ourth section of the Act of April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- V°*·1“·P·‘°· nine four thousand dollars, of which amount not to exceed three hundred dollars may be used by the commission for office rent. INSFECTORS. Inspccwm. For pay of two Indian inspectors, who shall be engineers, one to be I"'¤'***°”°”¢*“°°”· r designated as chief, competent in the location, construction, and ‘ ‘? maintenance of irrigation works, one at two thousand five hundred

    • dollars per annum and one at three thousand five hundred dollars per

annum; in all, six thousand dollars. For traveling expenses of two E*P°“““* Indian inspectors, at three dollars per day when actually employed on duty in the field, exclusive of transportation and sleeping-car fare, ` in lieu of all other expenses now authorized by law, or incidental expenses of negotiation, inspection, and investigation, including telegraphing and expense of goinglto and comingcfrom the seat of government, and while remaimng there under o rs and direction of the ' Secretaryof the Interior, for a period not to exceed twenty days, three thousand eight hundred dollars. sU1>mz1NrnN1>1¤N·r or moms SCHOOLS. For pay of one superintendent ·of Indian schools, three thousand Sc§‘,§},’§“‘°“°°“‘ °* dollars. For necessary traveling expenses of one superintendent of Indian EXP€¤¤°¤· schools, including telegraphing and incidental exipenses of inspection _ and investigation, one thousand five hundre dollars: Provided, {.`,QQ'§,'§‘§,,,_ That he shall be allowed three dollars lper day for traveling expenses when actually on duty in the field, exc usive of cost of transportation and sleeping—car fare in lieu of all other expenses now allowed by law. rnrmnrnmrnns. For payment of necessary interpreters, to be distributed in the ‘¤*°’P*'°*°’¤ discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, four thousand dollars; but no person employed by the United States and paid for any other service shall be paid for interpreting. roucs. For pay of officers at twenty-five dollars per month each, and pri- *’°“°°- vates at twenty dollars per month each, of Indian police, to employed in maintaining order and prohibiting illerga traffic in liquor on the several Indian reservations and within the erritory of Alaska, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, for the purchase of equipments, and for the purchase of rations for policemen at nonration agencies, two hundred thousand dollars. miyrnoxs. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to employ suitable persons ¤¤¤*¤¤¤· as rnatrons to teach Indian girls in housekeeping and other household