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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/803

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786 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 263. 1909. duties, at a rate not to exceed sixty dollars per month, and for furnishing necessary equipments, and renting quarters where necessary, many. thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That the amount paid said matrons $g{¥§‘§'Q,Ti;0_ shall not come within the limit for employees fixed by the Act of June seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. _ ranunns AND srocxmnu. _ F•¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤ ¤¤>¤¥· To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to employ practical mm farmers and practical stockmen, subiect only to such examination as to qualifications as the Secretary o the Interior may prescribe, in addition to the agency and school farmers now employed, at wages not exceeding seventy-five dollars each per month, to superintend and direct faand stock raising among such Indians as are maki effort for self-srplpport, one hundred and twenty-five thousand xw mm _, diilars: Provided, at the Commissioner of Indian Affairs may use •ge¤¤1¤,m. not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars of the sa1d amount m the . employment of additional clerical assistance at such agencies and schools as may be necessary in connection with the easing and a praisal of Indian lands an for sundry (purposes: Provided further, ··*“i*=*<>¤·l- ’1Iiat the amounts paid such farmers an stockmen shall not come v°"°°·"°°‘ within the limit for employees fixed by the Act of June seventh, » eighteen hundred and ninety-seven. - Junons. Judzes. I¤·1¤·¤ For compensation of judges of Indian courts, twelve thousand mm dollars. coisrrmcnucms. 0<>¤¢i¤s¤¤¤i¤¤· For contingencies of the Indian service, including traveling and incidental expenses of Indian agents and of their offices, and of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs; also traveling and incidental ex enses of special aglents, at three dollars per day when actually emplb ed on uty in the field, exclusive of transpkortation and sleeping-car fare, in lieu of all other ex enses now authorized by law, and expenses of going to and from the seat of government, and while remaining there under orders and direction of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for a period not to exceed twenty days; for pay of employees not otherwise pIOV1d8d for, and for pay of special agents, at two thousand dollars per annum each, eighty-five thousand dollars. Jmgrc V:-RH·w:£ And the Secretary of the Treasury is hereb authorized to pay from ner. Pthe appropriation or contingencies of the indian Service, nineteen

  • ’”"“°“""· hundred and nine, for_ expenses incurred under the orders of the

Secretary of the Interior, to Joseiph W'. Howell one hundred and tihgty-five dollars and to Joseph . Webster two hundred and ten o ars. mmm. ARIZONA. lgatcarrm Agency. thFor pgy o£dI1;dia51 aigelnglat the San Carlos Agency, Arizona, one ousan eig un re dollars.

:. For support and civilization of the Apache and other Indians in

°P°` Arizona and New Mexico who have been or may be collected on reser. vations in Arizona and New Mexico, three hundred thousand dollars; and the Commissioner is authorized to use the unexpended balance for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, which is hereby appropriated and made available for nineteen hundred and ten. §T.;}$·b°1_§t&•;*:¥·0, iu_ For support and civilization of the Indians of Pima Agency, Arian ’ " zona, forty thousand dollars, to be expended for their benefit in such nlicanner as the Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion, may eem st. `