SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 263. 1909. 7 87 FORT Monvm SCHOOL. For support and education of two hundred Indian pupils at the "°"‘“°j'*'° '°"°°'· Indian sc ool at Fort Mojave, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent of said school, thrrty-five thousand one hundred dollars; For general reparrs and improvements, two thousand dollars; For ee well, one thousand dollars; In all, thirty-eight thousand one hundred dollars. PHOENIX SCHOOL. For support and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the P¤¤¤¤*¤ ¤¤¤¤¤1- Indian school at Phoenix, Arizona, and for ay of superintendent, one hundred and nineteen thousa.nd four humlied dollars; ` Fozgeneral re airs and improvements, eight thousand dollars; In , one hundred and twenty-seven thousand four hundred dollars. ·rnUx·roN oANYoN SCHOOL. For supplourt and education of one hundred pupils at the Indian ,,,.,§,§,,‘}*‘°" °‘“’°“ school at ton Canylon, Arizona, and for pay of superintendent, I eiggiteen thousand two undred dollars; or payment to James H. Owen, of Los Angeles, California, the {,}‘}‘,‘§,',,,‘§g'f'°"· amount found to be due him by the Secretary of the Interior under PM, p. mx. contract of May thirty—iirst, nineteen hundred and six, for the construction of buildings and irrigation works at the Truxton Canyon Indian School, Arizona, nine hundred and thirty dollars. , General repairs and improvements, three thousand dollars; In all, twenty-one thousand two hundred dollars. . For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Arizona, in- I¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- cludingtravelingexpenses o afnts, one thousandfive hundred dollars. _ To enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase lands and water samp, imma., rights for the use of Navajo Indians who have lost title to their *"'* N‘“°" ‘ homes on the public domain in Arizona and New Mexico the sum of etgqggw of 1=¤¤¤· forty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, _,',,,,, ,,,,.1,,,, i,,,, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not other- ¤¤°*£•*l,Y ********8- wise appropriated the same to be immediately available. C California. F or support and civilization of the Mission Indians in California g{lL$rg*}m¥¤d*•¤•· including pay of employees, and for the purchase of smalltracts of land situated adjacent to lands heretofore purchased, twenty thousand dollars, part of which may be used for making improvements for the use and occupancy of Indians in southern Ca xfornia. For su port and civilization of the Indians in California, twenty ,°,E’g€Qf_*}A‘;;d{§,};”‘ thousandp dollars, art of which may be used for the purchase of small tracts of landp adjacent to lands now owned by the ndians and for improvements on lands for the use and occupancy of Indians. srmrmau rusrrrrrrn. For support and education of five hundred and fifty Indian pupils S"‘"""“ “"’“’““’· at the Sherman Institute, Riverside, California, and for pay of sulperintendent, ninety-four thousand three hundred and fiftiymme dollars; For general repairs and improvements, ten thousan dollars; _ In al , one hundred and four thousand three hundred and fifty-nine dollars. _ _ I dumb. For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in California, “ including traveling expenses of nts, and support and civilization of Indians at the ound Valley, Mgopa Valley, and Tule River agencies, four thousand dollars; And ay of em loyees at same agencies, seven thousand dollars; In all: eleven thousand dollars.
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