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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/805

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788 sixrmrn couennss. sms. 11. ou. 263. 1909. ¤¢>1·>¤¤<» COLORADO. ¥¤°i**°¤°*"- For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Colorado, including traveling expenses of agents, one thousand dollars. roar Lnwrs sono0L. Fm MW ¤°'*°°l· There is hereby anted to the State of Colorado, upon the terms Gnu °£’°°Sm°“ and conditions herginafter named, the (property, known as the Fort . Lewis School including the lands, buil ings, and fixtures perta` ' mmm. to said school: Provided, That said lands and buildings shall be held I"°"“ ""””‘ M and maintained by the State of Colorado as an institution of learning, and thafIndian pupils shall_ at all times be admitted to such school free of charge for tuition and on terms of equality with white pupils: Acceptaneecfznnt Pmmldedfurther, That this (grant shall be effective at any time before - July first, nineteen himdre and ten, if before that date the governor of the State of Colorado files an acceptance thereof with the Secretary of the Interior accepting for said State said property, upon the terms and conditions herein dprescribed. m§{§g‘;>',§puj*“·· °* For support and e ucation of two hundred Indian pupils at the Indian sc ool at Fort Lewis, Colorado, thirt —five thousand dollars, and for ay of superintendent, one thousandy six hundred dollars; ggvzia mm of Pa-mm£d` , That if said school is disposed of as above authorized at sppmpmmn. any time during the fiscal year of nineteen hundred and ten the pro rata share only of the appropriation for the maintenance of said school for the portion of the year which the school is maintained by the United tates shall be available. . GRAND JUNCTION SCHOOL. Seiya -'¤¤¤*i°¤ There is_hereby granted to the State of Colorado, upon the terms emacs, msme. and conditions hereinafter named, the property, known as the Grand Junction School, including the lands, buildings, and fixtures pertainin gg;·_·¤:·;upus to said school: Prmnkled, That said lands and buildings shall be held ` and maintained by the State of Colorado as an institution of learning, and that Indian pupils shall at all times be admitted to such school free of charge for tuition and on terms of e uality with white pupils: Acceptance or gust. Provided further, That this grant shall be effective at any time before Jul first, nineteen hundred and ten, if before that date the governor of the State of Colorado files an acceptance thereof with the Secretary of the Interior accepting for said State said property, upon the . terms and conditions herein prescribed. fgpwe. ew-. of For support and education of two hundred Indian pupils at the P ° ”` Indian school at Grand Junction, Colorado, thirty-three thousand four hundred dollars, and pay of superintendent, one thousand six hundred dollars; nano. Provvkled, That if said school is disposed of as above authorized at ,p*;'g,pf.'h_°{‘,_,,j{‘"° °‘ any time during the fiscal year of nineteen hundred and ten the pre rata share only of the appropriation for the maintenance of said school for the portion of the year which the school is maintained by the United ltiatgs shall befawipilgple. h · .S¤¤¤¤¢¤‘¤ mg I¤· That the ecretar o the terior is ereb authorized to ex nd ‘i]iiirii;i}?s;v°¤°i°w&¤w: from the funds of the Southern Ute Indians5in the Treasury ofdhe “"“· °‘°· United States sufficient monegs, not exceeding one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to purc ase a perpetual water right for the urpose of irrigplting not less than ten thousand acres of Iand in the Southern Ute dian Reservation in Colorado. Ofcggelggtlgf B¤¤¤¤ That to carry into effect the agreement between the Confederated deem or enum to Bands of Ute Indians of Colorado and the United States, ratified by c,§,§',§‘,},‘f§g_ °‘°·· the Act of Congress approved June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty, being "An Act to accept and ratify the agreement sub-