794 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. $**1* °“=·°* m' For su ort and education of one hundred and fifty Indian pupils dmlghm at the school, Morris, Minnesota, twent_y—£ve thousand one hundred and fifty dollars, and for pay of superintendent, one thousand five hundred dollars; For eneral repairs and improvements, one thousand dollars; In ad, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; {;‘$¤¢•g;_h_n°h Provided, That if said school is disposed of as above authorized at pmpnliisen, em. V any time during the fiscal year of nineteen hundred and ten the pro rata. share only of the a propriation for the maintenance of said school for the portion of the year which the school is maintained by the United States shall be available. · 1>u>ns·roNn SCHOOL. Pi1>••w¤¤¤¤M¤r For support and education of two hundred and twenty-five Indian pupils at the Indian school, Pipestone, Minnesota, and for pay of gugerintendent, thirty-nine thousand one hundred and seventy-five o ars; For general repairs and improvements, two thousand five hundred dollars· For removing obstructions at the falls and improving the highway to the cemetery, four thousanddollars; In all, forty-five thousand six hundred and seventy-five dollars. u M ¤·¤ CHTPPEWAS or rim mrssrssrrm. (rnmarr.) $**0**** For support of a school or schools upon said reservation, durin v°'· ”·“"°· the pleasure of the President, in accordance with third article cI treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen lumdred and sixty-seven, four thousand dollars. nggjgwwu 0* M*¤· cnrernwas or MINNESOTA, nnmnunsnm. (ranyry.) M¤*¤¤¢¤ !¤¤¤~·*· Advance -interest to the Chippewa Indians in Minnesota, as required V°'· ’5· ’· “5· by section seven of "An Act or the relief of the Chip ewa Indians in s . the State of Minnesota," aplpgoved January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, to expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, in the manner required by said Act (reimbursable), ninety thousand dollars. <>iv¤¤¤·¤¤¤. ew- To enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction V°’·*"’·P· ‘”· of the Secretary of the Interior, to carr out an Act entitled "An Act for the relief and civilization of the Chippewa Indians in the State of Minnesota/’ approved January fourteenth, eighteen hundred and eightymine, name y, the purchase of material and em loyment of la or for the erection of houses for Indians; for the purchase of agricultural implements, stock, and seeds, breaking and fencing land; for a ment of ex enses of delegations of Chippewa Indians to visit the Miite Earth Eeservation; or the erection and maintenance of day and industrial schools; for subsistence and for pay of employees; for pay of commissioners and their expenses, and for removal- of Indians and for their allotments, to be reimbursed to the United States out of the- proceeds of sale of their lands, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. whim Emu mud The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to advance to °‘°°“’°°”“‘ the executive committee of the Wliite Earth band of Chippewa Inr¤¤¢_ rm- ummm! diane in Minnesota the sum of one thousand dollars, or so much °°I°°"‘"°"‘ thereof as may be necessary, to be expended in the annual celebration of said band to be held June fourteenth, nineteen hundred and nine, out of the funds belonging to said band.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/811