SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. ’ Ch. 263. 1909. 795 MONTANA. - M¤¤¤·¤¤- For pay of Indian agents in Montana at the following-named A8°“‘·‘· agencies at the rates resplectively indicated, namely: _ At the Crow Agency, ontana, two thousand dollars. °'°" *8°¤°Y- d At the Flathead Agency, Montana, one thousand eight hundred F‘““‘°°" ’*8°°°Y- 0 ars. _For support and civilization of the Indians at Fort Belkna Agency, Agriii hump Montana, mcluding pay of employees, twent thousand dohars. d£Z{P°"' °'°" °i I"" That any moneys repaid by Indians to the United States under m;';';:; °* *¤*P*°· the provisions of the section of the Indian appropriation Act approved , ‘ 4 Afprnl thu·t1eth, mneteen hundred and cig t, apprcgpriating the sum o twenty-five thousand dollars for the purchase o implements and other equipment for the Indians of the Fort Belknap Reservation m the State of Montana (Thirty-fifth Statutes at Large, page eighty- _,,,,,_ ,,_ 8,, three), shall be available for reexpenditure for the same urposes ¤•¤•¤>1¤ for mxand under the same conditions imtil June first, nineteen hundred °°°°1°°”°‘°t°` an fifteen. For support and civilization of the Crow Indians in Montana °'°"I”‘”""- u_ including pay of employees, eight thousand dollars. ’ ¤1?:Pm'm"`°f I . For support and civilization of Indians at Flathead Agency, Mon- §P*If‘°“:,*"°·Qc¥°{’,'§Yin_ tana, inc uding psf of employees, nine thousand dollars. •1¤¤¤¤· " For support an_ civilization of the Indians at Fort Peck Agency, },”,‘{,§*pf,;‘}°‘f,,·},§’°,j}°{;l_ Montana, includingppay of employees, fifty thousand dollars. Ginn' To enable the rotary of the Interior to complete the survey, ,°° *'·°*· allotment, classification, and appraisement of the lands in the Blac - ` feet Reservation, in the State of Montana, one hundred thousand dollars: Prmnklcd, That this sum shall be reimbursed to the United ghmenh · mixes from the pdroceeds of the sale of the surplus lands after the tments are m e. . For completion and extension of the Milk River Irrigatiop System NQ,';'; ¤•**¤•l>F·¤•¤· on the Fort Belknap Reservation in Montana, twenty-five housand xmsizuon. dollars, reimbursable. For construction of irrigation systems to irrigate the allotted u£¤”**=¤d R*=¤¤"¤· lands of the Indians of the Flathead Reservation in Montana and niigtuou. the unallotted irrigable lands to be disposed of under the Act of April v°l‘°°’ p' M twenty-third, nineteen hundred and our, entitled "An Act for the survey and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the ‘ Flathead Indian Reservation in the State of Montana, and the sale and dispo al of all surplus lands after allotment," including the necessar surveys, plans, and estimates, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, one hundred thousand dollars thereof to be immediately available, the cost of said entire work to be reimbursed from the Reirnburnememproceeds of the sale of the lands and timber within said reservation. That the Act of April twenty-third, nineteen hundred and four alprgcnuabgw. (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, palge three hundred and two) °` ‘°' ‘ entitled ‘ ‘An Act for the survey and a otment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Flathead Indian Reservation, in the State of Montana, and the sale and disposal of all surplus lands after allotment," as amended by the Act of June twenty—5rst, nineteen hundred *1;*;**:; ¤;j·°:;m¤d_ and six, and the Act of May twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and ed.` ’ eight, be amended by adding thereto the following sections: _ _ "SEc. 21. That the lands allotted, those retaine or reserved, and p,§§f,,,'{,Q,,f“*°"°‘“'” the surplus lands sold or otherwise dislposed of shall be subject for a Prohibition mm, as riod of twenty-five years to all the laws of the United States pro- ’°°”‘ liizbiting the introduction of intoxicants into the Indian country, and that the Indian allottees, whether under the care of an Indian agent indian •1l<>¤<-resor not, shall for a like period be subject to all the laws_ of the United States prohibiting the sale or other disposition of mtoxicants to Indians.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/812