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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/818

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. 801 That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized, *’°°°¤*¤ °° •*“°**°°¤· on the a proval of an allotment or homestead made to an Indian of the Turtde Mountain hand of Chippewa Indians under the Act of V°‘-3°·PP· *8*-1** April twenty-first, nineteen himdre and four (Thirty-third Statutes at Large, pages one hundred and eighty-nine and one hundred and ninety-four), to cause patent to issue therefor in the name of the 4-,-,,,, ,,,,,,_,_ allottee in accordance with section live of the Act of February eighth, "°'· 2*1:* **8* eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An Act to rovi e for the allotment of lands m severalty to the Indians of the various reservations and to extend the plrotection of the laws of the United States and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes," and amendments thereto. roar ·ro·rmN sono0L. For support and education of three hundred and twenty-five Indian ""'“`°“°'* ¤°**°°*· pupils at the Indian school, Fort Totten, North Dakota, and for pay of siumrintendent, fifty-five thousand nine hundred and seventy-five o rs; Fougeneral repairs and improvements, five thousand dollars; In , sixty thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars. wAmz·1¢·roN sono0L. For the support and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the W¤¤P·¤>¤ ¤¤*¤¤°r . Indian schoo at Wahpeton, North Dakota, and for pay of superintendent, eighteen thousand two hundred dollars; - For general repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars; For improving the heating and lighting plant, five thousand dollars; In all, twenty-five thousand two hun red dollars. The Commissioner of Indian Affairs is herebplauthorized to expend ,,,,*Q{°*‘“° °‘ “'° in behalf of said Indian school at Wahpeton, orth Dakota, the un- bansé of uuexpeuded expended balance of the item of five thousand dollars appropriated by j,?§?g,_ Bq_ the Act of April thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, for the (purchase of live stock, seed, eqluipment of farm, and mac inery; an also to expend for said schoo the unappropriated balance of the appropriation of two thousand five hun red ollars made in said Act of pril thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eight, for the construction of concrete coucmw wm:. em. walk, driveways and grading, and the unexpended balance of said two a propriations is hereby appropriated out of any money in the '1`Ieasury not otherwise appropriated. msuaacx sono0i.. For su port and education of one hundred Indian pupils at the ·m·¤¤·¤=l= ¤¤¤°°*· Indian scliool, Bismarck, North Dakota and for pay of superintendent, eighteen thousand two hundred dollars; For eneral repairs and improvements, two thousand dollars; For hrick barn five thousand dollars; In all, twenty-five thousand two hundred dollars. For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in North l“°‘“°“”“"· Dakota, including traveling expenses of agents at three agencies, one thousand dollars. OKLAHOMA. °k'“"°'"““ For pay of Indian agents in Oklahoma at the following-named ·*¥°““· agencies at the rates respectively indicated, namely: K_ At the Kiowa Agency, Oklahoma, two thousand dollars. I""` "“°°°y’ At the Osage Agency, Oklahoma, two thousand dollars. 0°°g°"g°°°y'