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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/819

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802 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. ·*P“°’“’· °“’· For su rt and civilization of the A aches, Kiowas, Comanches, mmm m` Wichitasf)i1)1(id aihliated bands who have been collected in the reservatfops set apart for their use and occupation, twenty-five thousand o ars. ‘ _}Tgg*j_°g*}_¤l*,¥_{*;’;¤gl<_;* That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed use or unexpeuded to t11I']). over to the proper officers, respectively, of the counties now {’,‘{,§$‘,'f,‘§,°§m{,‘§,,_°°“°’ forming a part of the area covered by the counties of Caddo, Kiowa, and Comanche, State of Oklahoma, upon such equitable basis as may _ be satisfactory to and approved bfy the Secretary of the Interior, the respective unexpended alances o the funds derived from the sale of town lots in the towns of Anadarko, Hobart, and Lawton, Oklahoma, . V0l.31,p.1W4. under the Act of March third, nineteen hundred and one, and by that ‘~’¤1-3¤.v-¤06- Act and the Acts of June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and two, and V°‘·“‘·’·'“· March fourteenth, nineteen hundred and six, set apart for the construction of public improvements in the said counties, as a trust fund, to be by them, or under their supervision, expended solely for the construction and completion of pu lic improvements in the counties aforesaid, as provid by the enactments of Congress creating and regulating the disposition of said fnmds, and for expenses necessary in connection with the construction and completion of such improvements. Cynuna Ann me For a monument to Cynthia Ann Parker, mother of Quanna Parker, kclhonument mr. chief of the Comanches, one thousand dollars, to be expended nmder such regulations as the Secretary of the Interior ma rescribe. Anna noe: and For support and civilization of the Arapahoes and Cheyennes who °"°’°“"°" have been collected on the reservations set apart for their use and occupation, thirty-five thousand dollars.

    • ¤¤¤¤¤*¤dl¤°*· For support and civilization of the Kansas Indians,. Oklahoma,

including agricultural assistance and pay of employees, one thousand five him red dollars. K*°*¤l>°°* For support and civilization of the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma, . two thousand dollars. P°“°”~ For support and civilization of the Ponca Indians, including pay of employees, nine thousand dollars. ‘“°“’°¤"*’* For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Oklahoma, and for pay of employees, twenty-two thousand dollars. c1m.occo scnoor. ¤h**•>¢·*<> ¤¢*¤><·*· For support and education of seven hundred Indian pupils at the Indian sc ool at Chilocco, Oklahoma, and for pa of superintendent, one hundred and nineteen thousand four hundredr dollars. For eneral repairs and improvements, ten thousand dollars; I In ah, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand four hundred dol- . ars; nwnm. mwxmzs. (rmcarr.) A¤¤¤*¤>~ For e etual annuity, which is to be aid in cash to them, er

 gl QQ gif second Ielrtliizle of treaty of September twentp—fourth, eighteen hundiied

and fifty-seven, and agreement of November twenty-third, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, article three, thirty thousand dollars; §,Q{°¢{}¤·p M_ For suiégort of two manual-labor schools, r third article of same `` treaty of ptember twenty-fourth, eighteen heundred and fifty-seven, ten thousand dollars; ramsmw. For pay of one farmer, two blacksmiths, one miller, one engineer Vol- x1, p. van and apprentices, and two teachers, as per fourth article of same treaty, five thousand four hundred dollars; Phnickn. For pay of physician and purchase of medicines, one thousand two hundred dollars;