SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 263. 1909. 803 For purchase of iron and steel and other necessaries for the shops, **°¤·¤'¤°l· °"=- as per ourth article of treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen V°l· u· 1*-"*’°· hundred and fifty-seven, five hundred dollars; In all, forty-seven thousand one hundred dollars. ouanws. (ranarr.) quspsm. For education, r third article of treat of Ma thirteenth e` ht- ““°***°¤- een hundred and Ithirty-three, one thousgnd dollhrs; and thd ulhex- iigléltgéiigsd nupended balance of the appropriation for education per said article of 2'$?m,;.§""“°°"‘°" said treaty for the iisca year nineteen hundred and seven is hereby — reappropriated and made immediately available for payment for the care an support of Quapaw Indian children at the mission school on the Quapaw Reservation during the said fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, in accordance with a resolution of the Qua aw national cormcil adopted December thirty-first, nineteen hundlled and seven, on file in the office of Indian Affairs. For blacksmith and assistants, and tools, iron, and steel for black- maenmnhs. ew. smith shop, per same article and treat , five hundred dollars; In all, one thousand five hundred dollam: Provided, That the gmlgéw of Pm_ President of the United States shall certify the same to be for the am. best interests of the Indians. . secs AND roxns or run mssrssum. (ramarr.) - ,,,“•g;*jmf,‘j” °‘ For permanent annuity, or otherwise, per third article of gggjgigm tireaty of November third,teen hundred and our, one thousand` ` ¤H¤!'¤9 For interest on two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum gqryt W. per second article of treaty of October twenty-first, eighteen hundred °‘ "’ and thirty-seven, ten thousand dollars; For interest on eight hundred thousand dollars, at live per centum, per second article of treaty of October eleventh, eighteen hundred and forty-two, forty thousand dollars: Provided, That the sum of Ppviivo. one thousand five hundred dollars of this amount shall be used for P ” °i°”‘°'°' the pa of a physician and for purchase of medicine; In all, iilftyéone thousariid dollars. h b h d d Pd i I t That the ecretary o the reasu is ere y authorize an ¤° •¤¤ ° directed to place uplon the books of the? Treasury to the credit of the °r°°m°?:db°' Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi tribe of Indians, the unappropriated sums of two hundred thousan dollars, due under the second article of the treaty of October twenty-first, eighteemhundred and thirty- V0, ,, P M, seven (Seventh Statutes at Large, page ve hundred and forty) and’` eight hundred thousand dollars un er the second article of the treaty of October eleventh, eighteen hundred and forty-two (Seventh V°*· "· P- W- Statutes at Large, page five hundred and ninet -six). i That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized, in his P°'°"’ °"°"”°"°‘ discretion, to pay per ca ita to the Sacs and Foxes of the Mississippi tribe of Indians in the State of Oklahoma the sum of one hundred thousand dollars, now to the credit of the tribe in the United States Treasury under the title of "Sac and Fox of the Mississippi in Oklahoma fund;" and also the sum of twelve thousand one hundred and sixty-four dollars and ninety-six cents standing to the credit of the tribe under the title of "Sac and Fox of the Mississippi fund." _ rivs oivimzsn TRIBES. JQ, °"""°" For pay of superintendent at the Union Agency, Oklahoma, four §’,§‘,§§{‘,,’ff;$,‘§,‘Q{;,_ thousand five hundred dollars.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/820