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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/862

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838 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 409-412. 1910. third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, entitled ‘An Act to afford assistance and relief to Congress and the Executive Departments in the investigation of claims and demands against the Government} and °R|°P°*° °‘ *°°°’ °° report to such House the facts in the case and the amount, where the same can be li uidated, including any facts bearing upon the {gestion · whither theretlisils been de¥1.y orlgches in gresenging sgch c im, or a in for suc nt, ° t, or unty, an an acts earing u n tggguegsion whetheelrlthe%.r of any statute of limitation shouldpo be _ . removed, or which shall be claimed to excuse the claimant for not having resorted to any established legal remedy, together with such ·d%¤G¤t;c1¤¤i¤¤¤· •=¢<=·. conclusions as shall be sufficient to inform Congress of the nature and ' character of the demand, either as a claim, legal or e uitable, or as a gratuity, against the United States and the amount iii any legally or ` equitably due from the United States to the claimar1t." Approved, June 25, 1910. June 25, imo. CHAP. 41_0.TAn Act Tcarprovide for an additional judge of the district court for _LH· R 20i48·l the eastern district of New ork. 0.292. "’“"“°‘ N ‘ Be ameadzerzw sem amznme af]? aamqrrzw ance: julgfgdiggggmm States of America in Congress assembled, ¥hat the President of the Additional guage United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, wg; shall appoint an additional judge of the district court of the United States or the eastern district o New York, who shall reside in said u.s.,¤-¤s1,p.as. district, and who shall possess the same powers, perform the same duties, and receive the same compensation as the resent district 'udge . . . P J of said eastern district. Sec. 2. That this Act shall take eEect immediately. Approved, June 25, 1910. · ·¥¤¤¤ 25- Wm- CHAP. 411.-An Act Providi for • lH· R·;m;;B] marshal for the eastern district o?f.ouisi?nd.ncwm6 of Salary for the Umm Sum [Public, o. . ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United j¤g>3%i:trxct_¢•¤¢¤¤ States of America an Congress assembled, That, commencing with the M.,.m-..n¤ym- fiscal year_b;g1nmng July iirst, nineteen hundred and ten, the salary "$,°gf°·2,_ P_ m_ of the Umt States marshal for the eastern district of Louisiana be mended. fixed at the rate of four thousand dollars per annum. Approved, June 25, 1910. June 25. 1910- CHAP. 412.-An Act To amend an Act enti I " ‘ ·

'sy¤tem of banlgmptcy_through0ut the United Stis§e1,"%;li;i:dizeb<?.l!itgrbg$;?e‘i;1l;l;(;;dl:

[hblic, No. wt.] hundred and mnety-eight, as amended by an Act approved February Sith, nineteen $1%%;:% gggdt-lggegkggdxu further amended by an Act approved June fifteenth, Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re esenta ' ·::n¤5¤g;¤uw1 we States of America ·in_ Ocmgress assembled? Thldt clauddvgvgdiesbxtdg v¤1.ao,p.ms. two of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States," approved July first V°*· 32- P· M- eighteen hundred an ninety-eight, as amended by an Act approved Februargr fifth, nineteen hundred and three, and as further amended vsi,s4,p.as1. by an ct approved _June fifteenth, nineteen hundred and six be R l and the same ereby rs, amended so as to read as follows: , ’ Efgggggwfor ‘ Authorize the business of bankrupts to be conducted for limited w$;;?rn§g’¤¤;s¤;gs+’ Bgicds by rece1vers,£the marshals, or trustees, if necessary in the mPi;,€;,_m t interests of the estates, and allow such officers additional com- · ptgirgsztgetin, for such services, as provided in section forty-eight of