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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/863

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SIXTY·FIRST oouonnss. sms. 11. cs. 412. 1910. 839 Sec. 2. That section two of said Act as so amended be, and the w§g§g”°* °°°” °¤· slome hegeby i3,”amopdo1d1 by striking lfrom claus; lineteen thpreof myeoggo, p. 546, tewor "au an a inganew cause to ownascause. ‘ twenty so that said clauses shall read as follows: ‘ "(l9) Transfer cases_ to other courts of bankruptcy;_ and (2Q) u6Q1¤,*§f_*g>;ri¤**¤di°· exercise ancillary jurisdrctron over persons or property within their respective territorial limits m aid o a receiver or trustee appointed is any baokruptcy proceedings pending in any other court of ankru tc . Sec. That section four, clause a, of said Act, as so amended, be, ,,§Q$,l,§°· *’· °"· and the same hereby is, amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 4. Wno MAY nnoomn BANKBUPTS.·—&. Any person, except ,,,V$;““"·” "““‘ a mtrfggeipalil ragigrozhd, iosulppénpp, or banliing corppration, shall be ce<§g€¤;p¤r¤¢i¤¤¤ exenti to the ne ts o t ct as a vo untary pt." ' §1Etoic4. Tha; secltion four, cllauise b, of said got, page amended, be, 32_VI§’}z,§,‘; §;,,;‘§’geY,j"· an same ere IS, amen e soastorea as o ows: "Any natural peiison, except a wage-earner or a person engaged ,.,,I;;°“""°" "°”*· chiefly in farming or the tillage of the soil, any unincorporated com- C i pany, and any monpiyed, busmess, or commercial corporation, except m,§[°'°‘ °°° °*‘ a mumcrpal, railroa , msurance, or banking corporation, owinlg debts to the amount of one thousand dohars or oyer, may be_ad]u ged an involuntary bankrupt upon default or an impartial trial, an _ shall be subject to the provisions and entitled to the benents of this Act. "The bankruptcy of a corporation shall notrelease its officers, m{·}‘§’,§,’é?e*;§_‘,;}°;,fP°'* dgrecgors, or spocklaolders, ostirzcpf fréogisognyogiabmty under the laws 0 a tate or ern or 0 m a . Sec. 5. That sectiidrn twelve, subdivision a, of said Act as so a,,Q,},£°· P- 5‘°· amended be, and the same hereby is, amended so as to read as follows: "A bankru t ma offer, either before or after adjudication, terms °€"'*¥’°““,§"“* of compgsitiolii to liiisrtcredigors aftpr, bothaotmlgaiicgre, hedhlfs léeieg ¤mTimbi>6v•ieri¤1i1.t€m° examme mo ncou ora amee1n o c rsan as e in court the $16dU-i6 of his propertyiand the_list of, his creditors required to be filed by bankrupts. comolositions before adjudi- “°°**¤¤°*¤M*¢¤¤- cation the bankru t s all file the required sc edules, and thereupon the court shall callp a meeting of creditors for the allowance of claims, examination of the bankrupt, and preservation or conduct of estates, at which meeting the judge or referee shall pres1de· and action upon tegrpgigz await ds. the pjtitlilonhfor adjpdncatrontshallhboldlegaye;15 untig it shall be deter- ‘ V mine w et er suc com osi ions a co rme . Sec. 6. That section fiwurteen, Subdivision b, of said Act as so $;*f¤3*:)¤’S;¤b50_ V0] amended be, and the same hereby is, amended so as to read as fol- sz, p.'797; amended. ` lows: . "The judge shall hear the application for a discharge and such ,,(§,‘Qf‘°" °“ “*’*’“°" proofs and p eas as may be made 111 opposition thereto by the trustee Tr¤¤¤¤¤¤¤b¢¤¤¤rdor other part1es m interest, at such time as will give the trustee or parties in interest a reasonable opportunity to be fully heard, and mvesti ate the merits of the appl1cation and d1scharge_the applicant unless is has (1) committed_an offense pumshable_by imprisonment °'°““""°"°*“*“· as herein provided; or (2) with intent to conceal his financial condition, destroyed, concealed, or fa1led_to keep books of account or records from which such condition might be ascertained; or (3) obtained money or property on credit upon a materially falsestatement in writing, made by him to any person or his representative for the purpose of obtaining credit from such person; or (ji) at any time subse uent to the first day of the four months immediately dprecedmg the nlling of the petition transferred removed, destroye , or concealed, or permitted to be removed, destroyed, or concealed, any of his roperty, with intent to_h1nde1·, delay, or defraud his creditors; or 85) in voluntary proceedings been granted a discharge in bank-