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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/864

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840 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 412. 1910. ruptcy within six years; or (6) in the course of the proceedings in » bankru tcy refused to obey any lawful order of, or to answer any

_ ·,,um,,y·materiaIl) question a proved by the court: Preorder}, That a trustee

umass. shall not interpose objections to a bankrulptfs discharge until he shall . be authorized so to do at a meeting o creditors called for that ur . ’ _j,¤{§g*g*gg °' F°d· P Sg?7. That section twenty-three, subdivision b, of said Act as so amended be, and the same hereby is, amended so as to read as follows: ~ ,°}·¤¤**¤“°¤ of sg; "Suits by the trustee shall only be brought or prosecuted in the my. courts where the bankrupt, whose estate is being administered by such trustee, might have rought or prosecuted them if proceedings in bankru tcy had not been instituted, unless by consent of the {,’gf·3g· ;*’·,m_ proposed defendant, except suits for the recovery of bppoperty under ` ’ section sixty, subdivision b; section sixty-seven, su vision e; and section seventy, subdivision e." $¤;¢{·• g**;¤¤g—g5 Sr-ic. 8. That section forty-seven, clause two, of subdivision a, of smsmddd. ` said Apt aisp amended be, and the same hereby is, amended so as to rea as o ows: <¤·¤¤¢ ¤P¤*•°•- "Colleet and reduce to money the pro ty of the estates for which they are trustees, under the direction oggthe court, and close up the estate as expeditiously as is compatible with the best interests of the m?;· °¤=d· parties in interest; and such trustees, as to all propertyin the custody or coming into the custody of the bankruptcy court, shall be deemed . vested with all the rights, remedies, and powers of a creditor hold' a lien by legal or equitable thereon; and also, as tolldi property not in the custody o the b u ptcy court, shall be deemed vested with all the rights, remedies, and powers of a judgment creditor holding an execution duly returned unsatisfied? v;f%3·_h@¤£ Sec. 9. That se_ction forty-eight of said Act as so amended be, and cdé m tm 0 I the same hereby IS, amended, so as to read as follows; gégqgzv mgxverg, “Sec. 48. COMPENSATION OF TBUSTEEB, REOEIVEBS AND MAB- ”"'“*"'°· suns: Fees •-¤¤ wmmiv " (a) Trustees shall receive for their services a able after the . ‘°·rii>°`¤¤»m•. are rendered, a fee of five dollars deposited with lll; `Zlerk at the timb the petition is filed in each case except when a fee is not required from a voluntary bankrupt, and such commissions on all mono disbursed or turned over to any person, including lien holders ll; them, as may be allowed b the courts, not to exceed six per centum on the first Eve hundred dyollars or less, four per centum on moneys in excess of five hundred dollars and less than fifteen hundred dollars two per centum on moneys in excess of fifteen hundred dollars and less than ten thousand dollars, and one per centum on moneys in um cm or compost- excess of ten thousand dollars. And in case of the confirmation of °°‘ a_composition after the trustee has qualified the court may allow lum, as compensation not to exceed one—half of one per centum of the amount to be paid the creditors on such composition. _,;:<>t¤rgsrggé;¤‘ ·¤¤¤¤¤· _ " (b) In the event of an estate being administered by three trustees instead of one trustee or by successive trustees, the court shall apportion the fees and commissions between them according to the peri;i]pesma1ctuaHy rendeped, so that there shall not be plaid to trustees or e Il11I11SlZ·6• oan estatea a am W-mh ld-ug wm mwgd) b:f§Dtiu0d¤;10.s' Y gre ter ount t an one trustee ¤;_,,0g_ ‘ · c e court may, in its discretion, withhold · WR t d frongdezgnptprustee who has lfleein removed for cause. an compqnsatmn ¤¢¤¤v¤r¤ ¤¤ _ _ _ ceivers or mars as a ointed ursu ‘ "‘§‘§2f’§je,;& subdivision three, of this Act shallp receive l)or thzlitsetgvimtlog gvgié after they are rendered, compensation by way of 00ID.lIl.lSSll)II;S{I on the moneys disbursed or turned over to any person, includi lien holders, by them and also upon the moneys turned over bnihem or afterwards realized by the trustees from property turned liver in