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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/865

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SIXTY-FIRST cosensss. sas. II. cs. 412. 1910,. 841 kind by them to the trustees, as the court may allow, not to exceed six per centum on the first five hundred do lars or less, four per centum on moneys in excess of five hundred dollars and less than one thousand Eve hundred dollars, two per centum on moneys in excess of one thousand five hundred dollars and less than ten thousand dollars, and one per centum on moneys in excess of ten thousand dollars: Provided, That in case of the confirmation of a composition mmm. such commissions shall not exceed one-half of one per centum of the ¤§},‘_ °“° °‘ °°“"°“*' amount to be paid creditors on such compositions: Promkled further, &SF;=gs,;ggg¢ ¤=¢¤’¢¤Y That when the receiver or marshal acts as a mere custodian and does ' not carry on the business of the bankrupt as provided in clause Eve of section two of this Act, he shall not receive nor be allowed in any form or guise more than two per centum on the first thousand dollars or less, and one·half of one per centum on all above one thdusand dollars on moneys disbursed by him or turned over by him to the trustee and on moneys subsequently realized from property turned ` over by him in kind to the trustee: Promkled further, That before the Notice meredrwn. allowance of com nsation notice of application therefor, specifying I”·"" the amouniiifaskedziihall pus gigyen to creditors in the manner indicate r in section t —ei t o t `s ct. " (e) ·Wher§ tli business is conducted by trustees, marshals, or ng{°°¤°¤¤°i¤¢¤¤¤*· receivers, as provided in clause five of section two of this Act, the Anu,p.¤8. court may allow such officers additional compensation for such services by way of commissions upon the moneys d1sbursed_or turnedover to any person, including hen holders, by them, and, m cases of receivers or marshals, also upon the moneys turned over by them or afterwards realized by the trustees from property turned over in kind by_ them to the trustees; such commissions not to exceed six per centum on the first five hundred dollars or.less, four per- centum on moneys in excess of five hundred dollars and less than one thousand five hundred dollars, two per centum on moneys in excess of 4 one thousand five hundred dollars and less than ten thousand dollars, and one per centum on moneys in excess of ten thousand dollars: Provided, That in case of the confirmation of a composition such $$0, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ commissions shall not exceed one-half of one per centum of the rigéumw Mmmm amount to be aid creditors on such composition: Provided {urther, arpa That before tlile allowance of compensation notice of app ication therefor, specifying the amount asked, shall b0·g1VOD to creditors in the manner in icated in section fifty-eight of this Act." Sec. 9}. That section fifty-eight, su division a, of said Act as so f}‘,{f{‘f°’§,$,°’;’,f"‘°,,§`°{_ amended be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows; ¤m¤¤¤<=·1- Sec. 58. Norrress ·ro crzmnrrons. (a) Creditors shall have at least To be sem bY¤1¤·ilten da s’ notice by mail, to their respective addresses as they appear in thelist of creditors of the bankrupt, or as afterwards filed wit the papers in the case by the creditors, unless they waive notice in writ- _ mg, of (1) all examinations of the bankrupt; _(2) all hearings upon °°“‘°""· applications for the confirmation of compositions; (3) all meetings o creditors; (4) all proposed sales of property; (5) the declaration and time of payment of dividends; (6) the filing of the final accounts of the trustee, and the time when and the dplace where they will be examined and assed upon; (7) the lpropose compromise of any controversy; (8) the proposed dismissa of the proceedings, and (9) there shall be thirty days notice of all applications for the discharge of bankru ts. ‘ Sec. lic. That section fifty-nine, subdivision g, of said Act as so ,,§gf"’~"’“ °‘ P°“‘ amended be, and the same hereby IS, amended so as to read as follows: volibdw. p. 562. " A voluntary or involuntary petition shall not be dismissed by ““§§,’fice $0 mmm the petitioner or petitioners or for want of prosecution or by consent b€f°'° g"*“”°g· of parties until after notice to the creditors, and to that end the court shall, before entertaining an application for dismissal, require the