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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/866

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842 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 412, 413. 1910. bankru t to file a list, under oath, of all his creditors, with their addressgs, and shall cause notice to be sent to all such creditors of the pendency of such application and shall delay the hearing thereon for a reasonable time to allow all creditors and parties m interest opportunitytobeheard/’_ _ _ _ _ _. rrerema creditors. _ Sec. 1 1. That section sraty, subdivision b, of said Act as so amended ,,,Y°§’,},;,,,’2· "‘ °°°· be and the same herebi is, amended so as to read as follows: V¤¥¤¤`¤¥¢ P*¢f*>*· l' If a bankm t shall ave rocured or suffered a judgment to be °u°°°” - entered against in favor oi) any person or have made a transfer of any of his property, and if, at the time of the transfer, or of the entry of the judgment, or of the recording or registering of the transfer if by law recording or registering thereo is required, and being wrthm four months before the filing of the petition m bankruptcy or after the · filing thereof and before the adjlpdrcatron, the bankrupt be insolvent and the judgment or transfer then operate as a preference, and the person receiving it or to be benefited thereby, or his agpnt acting therein shall then have reasonable cause to beheve that the enforcement of such judgment or transfer would effect a preference, it shall be voidable by the trustee and he may recover the property or its value cnnenmnr pgs; from such person. And for the purpose of such recovery any court of €f_$§;* "“*‘ bankruptcy, as hereinbefore defined, and any state court which would have had jurisdiction if bankruptcy had not intervened, shall have ` concurrent jguhrisdictionf _ Lim}:. 80 M4 • Sec. 12. at section sixty-seven, subdivision d, of said Act as so ,,Y.,§,’,.;;,.,_ ’ ’ amended be, and the same hereby 1s, amended so as to read as follows: mm of um re: "Liensdgiven or aeceptedmfgood faith and not in contem lation of §,,{,’_'°'““ or in frau upon this Act, and or a ifpresent consideration, wgich have been recorded according to law, record thereof was necessary in order to impart notice, shall, to the extent of such present consideration only, not be affected by this Act." · $L¤jv¤;·;•**;¤·“0 _Sec. 13. That section seventy-two of said Act amended as aforeunsnuéa. ’ ' said is hereby amended to read as follows:

¤>  ’ "Si•;c. 72. That neither the referee, receiver, marshal, nor trustee

unimmeu. shall rn any form or guise receive, nor shall the court allow him, any other or further comgisation for his services than that expressly I d authorized and prescri this Act." ,,{,";’,?‘g,f°“° W" ‘ Sec. 14. That the provisions of this amendatory Act shall not apply to bankr·p5»tcy_cases pending when this Act takes effect, but such cases . shall be judicated and disposed of conformably to the provisions of $2}-%;-% said Act approved July first, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, as veil u,pI xv. amended by said Act approved lgebruary fifth, nineteen hundred and three, and as further amended by said Act approved June fifteenth, nineteen hundred and six. Approved, June 25, 1910. June 26,1910. CHAP. 418.-An Act Mal¤ng` appropriationsf ‘ ‘ HL ik 20678-L_ pensions or the United States for tlignsgal year e1(ildiii;}liii;u:li1iit(ileihlv;liiiet=:;'4b(i;(lin1ir‘lE [p,,;,uc_ M_ nga] dr-ed and eleven, and for other purposes, r ’ Be·ite·mctedby theSenatea1r.dHoz¢seo Re esentativeso t ’ ¤°1j:s¤¤i<>¤¤ ¤PP¤>P¤'*¤- States ry America in Congress assembZed,fThsitr the followiifg lgfurqgnbeg ' and the same are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the; Treasu%cnot otherwise gppropriated, for the payment of nsions for the al year ending une thirtieth, nineteen hundred andxzleven and for other purposes, namely: ’ dggisua, ew., .pen- _For and navy pensions, as follows: For invalids, widows, mmor chil ren, and dependent relatives, army nurses and all other pensioners who are now bome on the rolls, or who may hereafter be PT placed thereon, rmder the provisions of any and all Acts f C ngress '$""°’;, ehundredandfift -fivemillj dll ·P ‘ O 0 ’ Na ype sions. 0¤ Y 011 0 813. Nmded, That the appro·