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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/867

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 413-415. 1910. 843 priation aforesaid for navy pensions shall`be paid from the income of the navy pension fund, so far as the same shall be sufficient for ·*°°°°¤*°· that purpose: Provided further, That the amount expendedunder _ each of the above items shall be accounted for separately. For fees and expenses of examining surgeons, pensions, for services ge§,{S‘"¤‘°*'*¤ °“’· rendered within the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eleven, `two Feeshundred and fifty thousand dollars. · For salaries of agents for the payment of pensions, at four thousand ·*€°““' °°”“"°* dollars each, seventy-two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For clerk hire and other services, in the nsion agencies, four °‘°’k "“°· hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereodw as may be necessary: _ Provided, That the amount of clerk hire and other services for each ff{,‘{,"g,',;’;°¤m,u,_ agency shall be apportioned as nearly as practicable in proportion to t e number of pensioners paid at each agency, and the salaries paid shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. For rent, New York agency, four thousand five hundred dollars, R;¤t New Yvrk or so much thereof as may be necessary. °g° °y' For examination and inspection of pension agencies, as rovided by dg¤=v¤¢¢i¤¤ af ¤¢¢¤· the final provision of the Act of August eighth, eighteen llhndred and via. ze, p,374. eighty-two, amending section forty-seven hundred and sixty-six, B·“··’°°·‘"“·P·"”· Revised Statutes, one thousand five hundred dollars. For stationery and other necessary expenses, thirty thousand ¤*¤¤¤¤¢¤· swdollars. Sxzc. 2. That hereafter, in addition to the officers now authorized to ,,§.,‘“,*{·,',$°§,‘,§,$,’;”§,,,°{‘§; administer oaths in such cases, rural free delivery carriers of the ¤·¤¤¤· United States are hereby required, empowered, and authorized to administer any and all oaths required to be made by pensioners and their witnesses in the_execution of their vouchers, with like effect and force as officers having a seal, and they are authorized to charge and F°° "“°"°°‘ receive for each voucher not exceeding twenty-five cents, to be paid by the pensioner. Approved, June 25, 1910. CHAP. 414.-An Act To repeal section forty-nine hundred and two and to amend il;¤;2*;bgg°· section forty-nine hundred and thirty-four of the Revised Statutes, relating to caveats. 0, . . Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmbtg ofgzspresentatives of the United States 0 America in Congress assem d, at section forty-nine un- ?¤*¢¤¤ dred anid two of the Revised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, ”i£2;§%té`c?iia°bl2i?i>'i°i14h, re ed. ‘ m 2. That section fort ·nine hundred and thirty-four of the ab¤3g§3m{¤¤ ¤¤v¤¤¤ Revised Statutes be amendedlsiy striking out the followmg: n.sa¤ecZ 4ss4,p.ss4, “On iilin each caveat, ten ollars." ‘““°" °°· Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect July first, nineteen hundred ,,§§,'}§,‘§‘ °“'°"“ “°‘ and ten, and shall not apply to any caveat tiled prior to said date. Approved, June 25, 1910. cmp, 1 .-An Act Authoriz' the President or me United sarees to s me me ¤’>· lm- Command; Igenneth McAlpine aldlogmmander in the navy on the active list. PPO ll 10, 0. . Be it enacted hy the Senate and House ofRi€1’;esentatives of the United Y States og America in Congress assembled, t the President of the icgdiiten mciupsns United states be, and he is hereby, authorized to a cint, b and with g;gmfgde,§PP°m°°° the advice and consent of the Senate, Commander Egnneth §dcAlpine, United States Navy, a commander in the navy on the active list, to . · take rank next after Gustav Kaemmerling, as originally borne on Bankthe Navy Regster from eighteen hundred and eighty-six to nineteen hundred and ree.