SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sass: II. C11. 284. 1912. 297 d ger Bureau of Animal Industry, three thousand and eighty-four ·“""’°"“"‘“’·'Y· 0 ars- For Eiurggut o{1P1lant Industry, twenty-three thousand eight hun- Fmt I°d“°°"" di-ed an t dollars· ‘ For Forest gervice, twenty-five thousand and seventiifive dollars; g°;;;°kS°‘{"°°' For BJIIESU of Chemistry, seventeen thousand three ndred and . — m' tw n dollars; is lioi·yBureau of Soils, three hundred and sixty dollars; iflllgwion For Division of Publications, Eve thousand ollars; _ Soudm °‘ For Office of Solicitor, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; EW "{mw t Sw For Office Experiment Stations, five thousand dollars; . mm};. For Office of ubl.ic_Roads, three thousand five hundred dollars; P“°“° R°“’* For additional rent in cases of emergency for any bureau, division, E‘“°"°“°“‘“ or office of the department, ten thousand dollars; _ In all, mnety-five thousand three hundred and twenty-mne dollars. OFFICE OF EXPERIMZENT STATIONS. St2};ll,‘{;°‘E"°"““* Sananms, Orman or Exrmammur Smariousz One director, four ,,,{g‘.{,_‘L§,,f""°‘°’· thousand Eve hundred dollars; one chief clerk, two thousand dollars; un ollars·oneccr an roo e ero 2{;‘i.2’¥.“"&‘.§·.F"° **·°“m1‘* SO"? °%°.“:;*sm;:·r::,&*:a“:i:;;.% hundred dollars; one editorial clerk, one thorisand four hundred dollars; one editorial clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars· one draftsman, one thousand two hundred dollars; two clerks, class three; four clerks, class two; seven clerks, class one; six clerks, at one thousand dollars each· twelve clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one mmenggr, eight hundred and fortaymdolam; three messengers, meesenger ys, or laborers, at six hun d dollars each; four messengers, mess.%1§er bogg, or laborers, at four hundred and erghty dollars each; one ed la rer, mne hundred dollars; five laborers or charwomen, at four andleighty gogars each}; twoagpbgiggs or lcgiaérhwomeni ttwo un an ort dollarseac ;1n -e1g ousan two hundred and forty dollars. l Gmranar. nxrmrsns, Orman or Exrmzmmrr Srrxrroiwsz To carry gg°;g{ •,},vgg¤g,·g“,_ into effect the provisions of an_ Act approved March second, eighteen tagsfexpenmeuz ashundred and erghty-seven, entitled " _ Act to establish agrcultural E, ,,_ “.,_ °e‘£°“‘“°“.i ’s‘€‘€2s“” “& $°‘£i‘°°“F%“iZ t$°i§§’”X€?.°§“¥e$°}u§ °` ""M sever a un e e o second, eighteen hundred andpsixty-two, and of the Xcts supple; mentary thereto," the sums ap ortxoned to the several States and Territoriis to be plaid quarterly in advance, seven hrmdred and tw t d d ars; Tg eifgct the provisions of an Act approved March six- ,,,;°.{Z§“§§§',f@L¤§‘,{ teenth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act to provide for an "°'· 3*- P- increased annual appropriation for agricultural experiment stations and rggrélating tha erxpendrture thlgeo ,3 the Spam? apppdrtioned to the sever tates an erntones to pan qu r in vance seven hundred and twenty thousand dollars: Prmn2led,;l’hat not to hxceed §,,",j°· fifteen thousand dollars shall be paid to each State and Territory under this Act; _ _ Mmmlmuw an To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to enforce the provisions pen;. of the above Acts, relative to their admmistration, mcluding the employment of clerks, assistants, and other persons m the city of
n and teilgeczvhéagte, h·erght.anld0;ax;;ressuc£aurggest:’oEic1i:.l1tr:'y(i
Hpsusss ures u , lvgn t6l¤pl}0!1¤ gas, eleotr·icBc£1?r0¤t,— rent, outside of the District of Columbia, thousand four hrmdmd dollargi Smcmmt and the Secretary of Agriculture shall prescribe the form of the axmu