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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/710

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Gus. 84, 85. 1913. 687 Sec. 5. That this Act shall be subject to the 1 al his of an '*¢*‘ *’¤**¤¤¤*¤· municipality, person or persons in or to the abovegdesncgibed premi WML ises, or thereof, or the water thereof. Sec. 6. e ruéht to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby a¤•¤a¤••. expressly reserve . Approved, February 27, 1913.

gah.-An Act To provide for selection by the State of Idaho of phosphate  

_ {Public, No. $93.] Be at enacted Senate and House ofRepresentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the §g,*J,*<=,_,*•¤¤g , passage of this Act unreserved public lands of the United States in Bum ¢°ii•i Ld`; the State of Idaho which have been withdrawn or classified as phosphate or o11 lands, or are valuable for phosphates or oil, shall, if otherwise available under law, be subject to selection by the State of Idaho under mdemmty_ and other land uprants made to it by Congress whenever such selections shall be m e with a view of obtaining or passing title, with a reservation to the United States of the phos- ,,,,,"'°"""°",,,,,, “‘° "“ phgtes and cal m such lands, and of the iight to prospect for, mine, an remove e same. Sec. 2. ThattheStateof Idaho,whenap 1 toselectlandsclassi- Avx·¤·=•¤¤¤. fied as phosphate or oil lands, or valuable golrphoephates or oil, with a view to securing or passing title to the same in accordance with the provisions of the mdemnitiaand other granting Acts, shall state in the application for selection t same is made in accordance with and su ject to the provisions and reservations of this Act. Sec. 3. That upon satisfactory proof of full compliance with the !¤¤·¤¢¤¤•¤¤¤=¤¤- provisions of the laws under which selection is made and this Act the tate shall, upon approval of the selection by the of, the Interior, be entitled to have the lands certified to it, with a rwervation $**8*** “*j·•dv¤>¤r>•¤•· to the United States of all the phosphates and oil in the land so cer- ":°° ` tilied together with the right in the nited States, or persons authorized by it, to prospect for, mine, and remove the same; but before ’°¤*·•*¤· any person not acting for the United States shall be entitled to enter upon the lands certified for the purpose of prospecting for phosphates or oil he shall fumish, subject to approval biy the Secretary of the Interior, a bond or undertaking as security or the (payment of all damages to the crops and improvements on said lan s y reason of such pros ectirig for phosphates or oil. Any person who has acquired ,,,·°°§°,g•“°¤ '°*¤*•· from the Unite States the oil or phosphate deposits in any such land, ' or the right to mine or remove the same, may reenter and occupy so much of the surface thereof as may be required for all purposes reasonably incident to the mining and removal of the oil or phosphate therefrom and mine and remove the oil or phosphate upon payment of the damages caused thereby to the owner thereof, or upon giving a good and sufficient bond or undertaking in an action instituted in any competent court tc ascertain and fix said damages: Provided, g{,';*:{;;¤_wc,_d_ That not herein contained shall be held to deny or abridge the ¤¤¤¤¤. ` ht of the tate of Idaho to present and have prompt consideration lolfap lications to select lands, which have been classified as oil or phosplhate lands, with a view to disproving such classification and _ securing a certificate without reservation: And provided further, That mmf M dl the reserved hosphate and oil deposits in approved selections under this Act shall)not be subject to exploration or entry, other than by the United States, except as hereinafter authorized y Congras. Approved, February 27, 1913.