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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/711

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688 SIXTY -SECOND CONGRESS. Suns. HI. Ch. 86. 1913. hymn gggy _ ‘ appweprk forth Di ticandCcm|ularServf¤-**:7llu a.rqmQ%2é.r'?¤A:ln¤$?¤ma¤wtr=mmms;an’rii):a’mm¤¤. [ruaue,Ne.m.l - · ° amazed theSevurte dH R mtat·wuof theUnited. ,,,H}"""",,,,,,°° '”°..;,¤°°°'. 8t¢E;s‘b_fAmeri;' in 0ongres‘:1I ¢Ef·'I'h;?;"¢tbe following surns be, w and th are lrereb , severally appropriated, in full compensation for the Diclomatic and Consular Service for the fiscal year ending June thirtiegr, nineteen lumdred and fourteen, out of any money m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the objects hereinafter expressed, namely: s,,_,,__ saunas or arrsassanons arm umrsrnns. assumes. Amb ad traordin and leni tentiary to Austria-Hum ' , Bar?:zilf)ll•E!g§1ce, Geniiry, Grgrt l?·i’tain, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Eurasia, and Turkz, at $17§00 each, $1’{5,000é{m ti to th Arg (lawn En extrao ` ters empo e on-

 tine Egiirbhc, Belgium, aglrile, China PCuba, the nlztherlands and

Luxemburg, and S ain, at $12,000 each, $84,000; _ _ _ Envoys plampotentrary to Bolivia, Colombia Costa Rica, k, Ecuador, Greece and Montenegro, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Morocco, Nicaragua, Norway Panama, P ay and U ay, Persia, Peru, Portugal, Salvador, Siam, Sm, Switzerland, and Ylenezuela, at] $10,000 each, :321%,000; _ Env extr—aord1nary` an minister- p empotentrj oumanra, Servia,0Xnd Bulgaria, $10,000; _ _ _ _ _ R Engrly ary and mmrsta- plempotentrary to the Dommrcan ` , $10, ; _¤§;:g_{,•;_¤"n¤"f* resident and consul general to Liberia, $5,000; am:. •¤¤.,cum. Agent and consul general at airo, $6,500; $,",;";,,,,,,,,,,,_ Provided, That no salary herein aippropriated shall be paid to any official receiving any other salary rom the United States Governli; c1n.rs¤a·•nr¤•. d’afl'aires ad interim $50,000; To , $560,500. smaasurmm saaanrns or snonzrsnrxs or mnrassrrrs arm uzosrrorts. Inandlqadorn. assure., Secretaries of embassy to Austria-Hungarg, Brazil, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, ussia, and Turkey, at $3,000 each, $30,000; Japanese secretary of embassy to Japan, $3,600; Turkish secretary of embassy to Tur ey, $3,600; ¤¤•¤¤¤¤- Chinese secretary, legation to China, $3,600; Secretaries of leigation to the Argentine Republic, Belgium, Chile, Chms,$?grg% the etherlands and uxemburg, and Spain, at $2,625 Sebretaiies of legation to Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Liberia, Morocco, Nice: a, Nor·— way, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and lfdirezuela, at $2,000 each, $34,000; · at a]15y;of legat;r:2n0t(;>0t;he Dominican Republic and consul general v legatron to Salvador and consul general to San Sal·

 of legatnon to Siam and consul general at Bangkok,

§';’E"’ °¥ i°g"?§°“ 2 $m.g,.'°°°° md °i°i‘}"“°“'°’ ’2*°°°‘ re ary o ega on a , 32,093- Secretary of legstron and consuljgrsrueral rtggllgimania, and · Bulgaria, $2,000; ’