SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 86. 1913. 689 Secretary of legation to Persia and consul general at Teheran, who shall be an American student of the language of that country, $2,000; Second secretaries of embassy to Austna—Hunga$·, Brazil, Great "°°"""’°"°““‘ Bngang, Froagce, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, and ussia, at $2,000 eac , 18 · · $3%e(;:(pnd’ secretaries of legation to China and Cuba, at $1,800 each, Secohd secretary of embassy to Turkey, who shall be an American stuldhentl of the language oflthat courg and clciuntry, $2,000; M mm mm ir secretaries 0 em assy to reat ritain France exico, °°" °'· Germany, and Russia, at $1,200 each, $6,000; I , _ Third secretary of embassy to Japan, who shall belau American student of the Japanese language, $1,200; _ Third secretary of embassy to Turkey, who shall be an American student of the Turkish language, $1,200; Total, $139,175. sanakms or- DIPLOMATIC AND constrnan orncmzs wmnn RECEIVING msrnucrrons AND uncme ·rnANsrrs._ go pay the plalarieis gif amlgasspldom, rni•51Bisters,ap]0nsul(§•, and oatlhlpr ,,I{‘;';‘f“°"""*""" o cers of the nit tates or e eri actu y an necess y occupied in receiviggl instructions and) ma.kin§ transits to and from their posts, and w e_awa1tmP recogmtmn an authority to act, m KS lm M pursuance of the premium 0 section seventeen hundred and forty ··°°°· ·*’· · of the Revised Statutes, so much as may be necessary. cLmzxs AT mmassms AND LEGATIONS. For the employment of necessary clerks at the embassies and leg- “g'€¤"¤ ¤¤’°¤'>*¤*°¤· tions, who, whenever hereafter appointed, shall be CIEIZBDS of e United States, $75,000. SALARIES or xurnnrxsrmns ·r0 mmassms AND LEGATIONS. fmAss$.1tant seicrettaryg to th: legs;go(p)go China, to be appointed !¤*•¤···•·¤ ¤¤¤· m eco 0 su en merpreers, , . Assistantrgg anese secreta to the embassy to Japan to be ap- "°}{§" “°“°r”£T;£§‘i"°’ °*€‘“;£l%°tf°°"‘§“”’ $f‘?3.°‘k.y’ M t. W ` t nt ir secre ary _ e em assy r pointga llrom the corps of student interpreters $2,000;_ ' Interpreter to legation anddconsuleattgeneral ti0tP8§818, :1 gi Interpreter to legation an consu a genera o ang 0 , r iam, $1 500* _ _ liar ten student interpreters at the legation to Chma, who shall be §§{"Q,{_';{l§f'°'¤"’°°'* gltizenss of the UnitedhStates, arid whosp duty itt shalaltgg tposhugyetélae inese anguage wit a view 0 supp ying in erpr _ - _ t' d l t in China at $1 000 each $10 000: Promded, That *?’°*·;>*-i SE ·sia.(i§;ti1de:i)1l.lSil1itfizr‘;>Sretem shall be chosen in such inanner as will make uiiiim r;“;wJ°° the selections nonpartisan: And_prw•dedfu¢’{1h¢1i', That upon fwgzllg °'“‘ ° ’° suchnppqmtment each student interpreter s a sign an sgreem continue in the service as mterpreter tobghe legatiorralgn consulates in China so long as his said services may req wit a peno o fi . · . A v§cli€t}li;,pa{;r1p1ent of the cost of tuition of student interpreters at the T¤*¤¤¤· “g$“°“ °° C d “’ *°tZh° “2“’ °fF2€° "°i.“”‘§.“i".> 3Z°h;.’£;‘f,‘?.°;h.u t. H- ¤··»-¤ sixstu entm rreersa eemass _ a, · citiz(lzlns of lthe United %s.tes, and vgiose dulty 1; sllgngrzegggpgugoy td; J e wi a view supp ym _ _ ergillsggf axildliloséulates in Japan, at $1,000 each, $6,000· Provided, ""°°”°*
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/712