690 SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. IH. Ch. 86. 1913. erm "°° m,,:*:.%% :.,n..,·*°.,*:,;:*:.*;,*:,,.».r,.,°*·¤ **··:“,lb:;,°*,,,M°¤°** *1* tm msszszx Tarmohsrvba. . · ‘ receiving such appointment each student mterpreter mall snggssgn agreemmtmconunuemthes¤vipl•§sa;i1‘;1wrpret¤tot§1)•;emuir°yi‘ and consulates mfgnpan so long as services may req 'th` period' 0 ve years. _ _ _ rumen. mFoIi} tithe payment of the cost of tuition of studmt at theembassy toJapan,attherate0f$125pcmnumeaeb,wh0 , 1¤ '¤`¤¤‘¤¤r· For ten student m reters at the embassy to_Turkay, slmll be citizens of the Unix States, and whose dumt shall be to study the age of Turkey and any_other language t may be necessary to qliiggliy them for servncaas interpreters to embassy conrmau. sulates in Turkey, at $1,000 each, _$10,000: Prowled, That said stu- ,,_§,_°“"'“"“ '°°°°'dentinterpretersshall bechosen)nsuchmannsraswdlmakethe .n,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ selections nonpartisan: And 'lhat upgn receivgplg °“°" °¤’*’°“*“““°“‘ °°°*‘ "°""°"‘ “‘“&’i2 ti. mms was Z§T.2°,.?;ts to continue in the service as mterpre b: tb_ bd u;'i[i‘urkeysolongash¤ea1dservmesmay req wi mapen ·r¤1a¤¤. 0 FX1? {be payment of the cost of tuition of student interpreters at nsueeeeennu the embassy to Turby, at therate of_$125 per annum eac , $1350: "‘°‘· but no person drawing the salary of interpreter as above provided shall be allowed any part of the salary appropriated for any secretary I o on or zgtéher 0£cer. 0 , $38, . i_¤¤•¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤·¤* quanrns mon nm srunnirr mrmrssmns ar mmassms. - mama. For rent ¥ quartjers for student interpreters attached to the b t span 00. ¤¤ ’¤`¤*¤=·r- °mF¢i:sr¥u:t ofo]{x;,ei·ters for the student interpreters attached to the embassy to Tur y, $600. · ooxrrmenxr nxrmxsns, mamex mssxoxs. °°““,,,,,“",,"‘ "' T bl the President to provide at the public expense all such rx: nb statiioiim fblanks records, and other books, seals, presses, dags, and signs asmze shall necessary for the several embassies and lega—· tions in the transaction of their business, and also for mnt repairs, postage, teiegrams, furniture, typewriters, mcluding excliauge of same, memenger service, compensation of kavasses guards, aggmans, and porters, mcluding compensation of mteipreters, and the ”""“°*"*°"“ compensation of dispatch agents at London New ork, San Franmn in cisco, and New Orleans, and for traveling and miscellaneous expenses mrowém of embassies and legations, and for printing in the Department of State, and for lose on bills of exchange `to and from embassies and legations,_ $355,000. ranssroxrrarxox or nrrnonrarrc nm cossuus orrxcmzs nw some ro nm xmnnsmo mom rnnm rosrs.
- `¤'*u¤8¤P¤¤·°*· To pay cost of the transportation of diplomatic and consular
officers m going to and returning from their posts, or when traveling under the orders of the Secretary of State, at the rate of five cents Egvgiigi 31; 11:0% any expense incurred in connection with — cc} I ‘ srsam LAUNCH me mmassr sr coxsraurmornn. ,gf“'·"“”°'*·"“" sllggoing of steam launch for use of. embassy at Constantinople,