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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 37 Part 1.djvu/714

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SIXTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1913. 691 onotmri nur or misses! AT ’roI!0, JAPAN. Annual ground rent of the embassy at To o ·J an for the °'°“"" '°“*~ ’*P•° ending March fifteenth, nineteen hundred $250. yur mw"` ANNUAL EXPENSES or cnn BIAABTEL mem, 00As1• or uonocco. Annual roportion of the expenses of Ca S artel d Tangie’ ¢>• ¤v•¤¤riz¤#~ Light on tliie coast of Morocco, including losspltiy oiirchangej $325. r pe 9 Bnmomc Hmm cnnnNALs. Actual expenses incurred in bringing home from fo tries Bri in h persons charged with crime, $5,000. mlgn mmm S me nnscumo smsrwsmcimn AHERICAN snnmu. Expenses which may be incurred in the acknowledgment of the Hfenvins ¢¤•¤¤¤> services of masters an crews of foreign vessels in rescuing American me seamen or citizens from shipwreck, $4,500. mmnenxcms ARISING IN rm: r>11*r.ouA·rro ANu_ c0NsULAn smrvrcz. To enable the President to meet unforeseen emergencies arising in mergeama the Ditglomatic and Consider Service, and to exten the commercial and o er interests of the United States, and to meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of the neutralitiy Act, to be }*·¤¤•¤¢! M exexpended pursuant to the rmguirement of section two undred and p`r`i.°§t¤ee.z>r,;»••». nmety-one of the Revised tatutes, $50,000 togesther with al--. _ mince rmantrs. unexpended balance of the a proprratron made ior t object for- the ‘”"· ¤’· ”· fiscal year nineteen hundred and thirteen, which is hereby ruappruprrated and made available for this purpose. ALwwANcz T0 wmows on unms or DIPIJOMATIC orrrcnns wuo nm ABROAD. Payment under the provisions of section seventeen hundred and “‘°"*"°° °° °¤· fortyjnine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, to the widows ml dm: m°°d` or heirs at law of diplomatic or consular omcers of the United States dying in foreign countries in the discharge of their duties, $5,000. rnausronrmo nmtams or nrrnouarro orrrcxns, corwsms, AND 00NsUr.A1r. ABSIBTANTS 1*0 THIIB Norms ron 1N’r1r.mmNr. For defraying the expenses of transporting the remains of diplo· ”"¤¢*¤g '§°¤¤• *•· matic and consular officers of the United Statesnincluding consular mm M mm" assistants, who have died or may die abroad or in transit, while in the discharge of their official duties to their former homes m this country for interment, and for the ordinary and necessary expenses of such interment, at their post or at home, $5,000. 1N·rmmA·rr0NA1. norman or wmcirrs AND rmAsmzns. Contribution to the maintenance of the International Bureau of m:*1*${p·;§g,¤;;*L_ fg Weights and Measures, in conformity with the terms of the convention rrsaum. of May twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, the same- °""°°· """· to be paid, under the direction of the Secretary of State, to said bureau on its certificate of apportionment, $2,895.