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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1204

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1].86 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 156-158. 1915. March 4. 1915. CHAP. 156.-An Act To extend the time for constructinga bridge across the Mis-

 souri River near Kansas City Missouri, authorized by an Act approved June seven-

‘ [Public, No. 305.] teenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen. Be it enacted by the Senate and H case %1Representatives ty the United giigsgujxggga for States of Amerika in Congress assembled, at the time for commencing mymgsng, at Kansas and completing the construction of a bridge authorized by the Act of _ °‘§’,;,}f‘l§_ 38, Congress approved June seventeenth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, to be built across the Missouri River near Kansas City, is hereby extended to one year_ and three years, respectively, from the seventeegitll céayrgf Jugs, nigeteend hundred aéid fifteenth thm A h b Am¤¤¤¤=¤¤¢· nc. . at the r1g t to ter, amen , or re ct is cre y expressly reserved. PB Approved, March 4, 1915. l{§';°§fé;§,¥§‘ CHAP. 1.57.-An Act To extend the privileges of the seventh section of immediate-

 transportation Act to Bay City, Michigan.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United (1i°¤%i¢y, mea, States of America in Congress assembled Tgbt the priviljciges of the § ;‘}}°,,§‘j seventh section of the Act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred kg}- and eighty, overmng the immediate transporting 0 dutiable mer- °]‘m’p'm' chaéidisgagiwiiiilsglutaxlgppraisement, be, and they are hereby, extended to ay ty, 'c an. Approved, March 4, 1915. 1i[§f¢>I!;4£;;i- dryCHA.P. Act To fix the standard barrel for fruits, vegetables, and other

 comm es.

[Public, No. 307.] · - Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives 0 the United Ul S , V , _ _ ·¢<-gudim $1; States of America in Congress assembled! That the standaril barrel for answers:. fruits, vegetables, other dry_ commodities other than cranberries shall be of the followmgl digneznsionts when miasureél witlipgilgz disgention 0 its arts: Lengt o s ave, wenty-eig t an one- inc es; diameter ofheads, seventeen and one-eighth inches; distance between headsi twenty-six inches ;dc§rhcumIflerle:11ce off bulge, sixty-four inchles, outsi e measurement; an e t 'c · ess 0 staves not eater t an §g§,’§§°gap,c,,y w_ four—tenths of an inch: Promkled, That any barrel of a d§erent form ¤¤g;¤<1;md b I I having a capacity of seven thousand and fift —six cubic inches shall minima. °"° °r be a standard barrel. The standard barrel liar cranberries shall be of the following dimensions when measured without distention of its parts: Length of staves, twenty-eight and one·half inches; diameter of head, Sixteen and one—fourth inches; distance between heads, twenty-five and one-fourth inches; circumference of bulge, fifty-eight and one-half incheg, optside mlesasurement and the thiclmess of staves not eater t an our-tent of an inc . ,,,§,‘§‘“,§',,f?,,"°g’°“,,{§; Sec. 2. {hat it shall be unlawful to sell, offer, or expose for sale in ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤‘· any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, or to shi from any State, Territoriwgasor the District of Columbia to any other State, Territory, or the trict of Columbia or to a foreign countg, a barrel containmghfruits or vegetables or any other dry comme `ty of less capacity t an the stan ard barrels defined in the first section of this Pmmmh Act, or s£)1bd1gisio1i: thereof known as ghe third, half, and threequarters arr , an any person ty o a willful violation of an of the provisions of this Act shall bglldeemed guilty of a misdemeanoi and be liable to a not to exceed $500, or imprisonment not to P . exceed six months, in the court of the United States havin jurisdicsxpmi. tion: however, That no barrel shall be deemed belliw standard within the meaning of this Act when shipped to any foreign