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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/1206

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1188 n SIXTY·THIRD conennss. sm. III. cm. 159-161. 1915. Lo an, Madison, Meigs, Mom·oe, Morgan, Morrow, Muskingum, Nfflle, Perliiy, Pickaway,lI’ike, Ross,dlgnion, Viptoné aéild W8ShII'fghOH, 'I`°¤¤¤- h ft t the te ` 'on 0 said 'strict. erms iii the clistiricizxilliiiiitlioii theiaweiltssteil-·xi1diviv;ii1>n shall be held at Cincinnati on the first Tuesdays in February, April, and October, and for the eastern division at Columbus on the first Tuesdays in June and December, and at Steubenville on the first Tuesdgys of March ,¤fD°,§{§· _;°°·§,gjb§_f§ and September. Grand and petit jurors summoned or service at v¤¤¤· a term of court being held at Columbus may, if the opinion of the court the public convemence S0.lB3U1]`0S, be directed to serve also at the term being held or authorize to be held at Steubenville. Crimes and offenses committed in the eastern division shall be cognizable at the terms held at Columbus, or at Steubenville, as the court may direct. Any suit brought in the eastern division may, in the discretion of the_ court, be tried at the term held at Steuben- 1R’,,m,°”*‘°';,, Swubcn. ville: Provided, That suitable rooms and accommodations for holding 'm°· court at Steubenville shall be furnished free of expense to the Government until the completion of the Federal building: And ,,E_"‘“‘· °°°‘*“°D°Y` Eurther, That terms of the district court for the southern ' trict be held at Dayton on the first Mondays in May and November. Prosecutions for crimes and offenses committed in any Bart of sakludistrict sl1i1al}1als0 bebgzognizalile at thi; tiehrms hell; at ayton. suits w `c may ro t wit e sou ern district, or either division thereof, maywllxa instituted, tried, and determined at the terms held at Dayton." Approved, March 4, 1915. ¥§Y°1l{_4gg6’E‘ CHAP. 160.-—An Act To authorize the establishment of a lifesaving station at the

 mouth of the Siuslaw River, Oregon.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United $§,“?,*:,‘§§§'°§,2{§; States of America in _O'0ngre.ss aesembledf That the Secretary of the y*>“¤¤·d •* ¤<>¤¤¤ 'l‘1§fas1u·y be, he is lggreby, ailithprtizhedsalnsd dugzted tphestablish ` a e-saving station at e mout 0 e i aw iver e on in such locality as the General Superintendent of the Service may recommend, at a cost not to exceed $12,000. Approved, March 4, 1915.


{Public- N°- am-! and on Indian reservations in Montana. kdm www Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives· cfthe United p.,b1,,,,{,,d,,;;°$,'L’g States (if America an Uoaégress assemibled, That the legal road author- °'¤*·*¤N°¤¤¤'¤· ities, c arged with the uty of lag1n§ out and opening public roads and_l11ghways under the laws of the tate of Nebraska, ha jurisdiction oyer any territory embraced within_ the Winnebavgldxglndian Reservation, the Omaha Reservation, the Ponca Indian Reservation, and the Santee Sioux Indian Reservation m the State of N ebrisllca, argéherpllligg authogiigd ggipowered to lay out and openpu croa wi- anyo esai anresrvt1o - formity to and in accordance with the laws of the Sl-lat; ofnlgelblrgglizla relating to the laymgmout and oipening of public roads, and that any _ gublrc road when so d out an opened shall be deemed a legal roa 1 ]H.m,,,t,,;'””"‘” 1,,1,,,, mmded, That such road authorities shall, in addition to notifying ’“‘°’- the land owners_ as provided in the State laws, likewise serve notice upon the superintendent in charge of the restricted Indian lands upon which it is proposed to lay out a public road, and shall also