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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 1.djvu/794

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SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rus. 25-28. 1914. 775 for the necessary operations of the Government and of the District of Columbia under certain contingencies," a proved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, are extended and continued in full force and eifect for and during the last half of the month of July, . fiscal year nineteen hundred and fifteen; and to continue during the p1iApi$iip$i°i£im¤igi last half of the month of Jul , fiscal year nineteen hundred and *"§°°‘“· fifteen, the gperation of the Iliiterstate Commerce Commission, in securing a v nation of the several classes of property of carriers, ' sub]ect to the_ Act to regulate commerce, authorized by the Act of March first, mneteen hundred and thirteen, a sufficient amount is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, not to exceed the sum of $65,000, to ether with an upexpiended lbalajicp of a similar sum appropriated Ear the first hall "°‘· “’· P· "°‘· o said mont 0 uy. _ Approved, July 16, 1914. [N0. 26.] Joint Resolution Requesting the President of the United States to invite Jul}! l7· 19*% foreign Governments to participate in the International Congress on Education. [S‘ ‘ R"' lsu [rut. ms., N0. an Resolved by the Senate and House ¢ZdRe esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assemb , 'llliat the President of the g,g‘,“f,‘,j°'{;’,';“,,’° {fg; United States is hereby authorized and requested to invite foreign <=¤§g¤¤· Governments to appoint delegates and otherwise partici ate in e mmiliiiiiviegivtirilzi Fourth International Congress on Home Education, to lbe held at ‘°““· Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September twenty-second to twentiy- ninth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, under the auspices of the International Commission on Congresses on Home Education and Pr M Parent-Teacher Unions: Provided, That no appro riation shall be m»°Zxp&»¤». granted at any time hereafter in connection wit said congress. Approved, July 17, 1914. N . . Joint tion Anthony the Presidenttoextend invitations to other Jul 17* w“‘ nal:io(i1s2d>]send replilefgselloxillatives to the International Dry-Farming Congress, to be held at Wichita, Kansas, October seventh to seventeenth, inclusive, nineteen hundred and lP“b· R°“-· N°- 3**} fourteen. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of tlte United I t u I D States of America in Uonyress assembled, That the President is hereby F,,'},,°i{,'{{C§,’§%,,,_ " authorized to extend invitations to other nations to apgomt delegates Hgghg mgypgg nf? or representatives to the International Dry-Farming ongress, be ame,p.44o. held at Wichita, Kansas, October seventh to seventeenth, inclusive _ nineteen hundred and fourteen: Provided, That no appropriation shall §Q°§§§'§;,,,,.,_ be granted for the ex enses of delegates or for other expenses incurred in connection with the said congress. Approved July 17, 1914. [No. 283] Joint Resolution Authorizing the President to appoint a member of [gill it·.é?’t3:, the New ersey and New York Joint Harbor Line Commission. {Put, R,,s_,_N0, M", Resolved by the Senate and House o{ Representatives of the United Q J { States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the N;§wy,,,§'“§;v,,“b‘L`, United States be, and is hereby, authorized to designate an officer of °°I‘g;£§{°*;rmv 0,_ the Corps of Engineers, retired, United States Army, to act as a gger pay masmemmember of the N ew Jersey and New York Joint Harbor Inne Com- L: ‘_ mission: Provided, That no expense shall accrue to the United States C0§,”§,§’,g,.,,,,,,,,, ,,0,,, by reason of such appointment, and the officer designated may re- °*°`*°°“ °“°W°**· ceive such compensation for his services on said commission as may be provided by the States aforesaid. Approved, July 17, 1914.