776 SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ras. 29-31. 1914. Jul 21- 191* . · , Joint Resolution Authorizin the Secre of War to loan certain saddles
for the use of the national engampmentfalghrights of Pythias, to be held at
[Pub- R6-. N°·40-l Terre Haute, Indiana, in July, nineteen hundred and fourteen. . Resolved by the Senate and House o Representatives rj the United Efhfbii liniiltwl States of America in Congress assembZed{That the Secretary of War be, ‘“°”“‘* *"""°‘*°· and he is hereb , authorized to loan, at his discretion to the mount committee of the national encampment, Knights of l’ythias, to be Pr . held at Terre Haute Indiana, in the month of uly, nineteen hundred 1~:e°Z¥fi°ehse. and fourteen two hundred saddles and bridles: Provided, That no cx ense shall be caused the United States Government by the delivery and return of said roperty, the same to be delivered to said committee designated at such time prior to the holdinfg of said encampment as may e agreed upon by the Secrets? o War and Scott B°"‘"°q“"'°°‘ Hanna, chairman of the moimt committee: nd further, That the Secretary of War, before delivering said s dles and bridles, shall take from said Scott Hanna a ood and sufficient bond for the safe return of said propert in good order and condition, and the whole without expense to tlie United States. Approved, July 21, 1914. ,i'*_I"§"‘}§jg1§};_·] [N 0. 30.] Ioint Resolution For the relief, protection, and transportation of Ameri-
can citizens in Europe and for other purposes.
w,,,,,,E,,,,, _ Resolved by the Senate and House o Re esentatives o the United mgvgqég Sitates of Arrwriea in Qongress assernbél, fgat for the réief, protec-
tion, and transportation of American citizens for personal services,
""’“· and for other which may be incurred in connection with or growing out of e emsting political disturbances in E1u·ope, there is appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropirated, the sunr of $250,000, to be expended at the discretion of the {gv- thesidentz Provided, That American citizens to whom relief is ' extended or transportation is furnished hereunder shall pay to or reimburse the United States all reasonable expenses so incurred, respectively, on their account, if financially able to do so. Approved, August 3. 1914. ·
I 51.] lligtrghzlreéelief, protection, and transportation of Ameri·
[Pub. Res., No. 42. Resolved by the and House ¢g' Re entatives of the United Hg}: {pag?. for States of America in Congress assemb d, mi for the relief, protecexpenses? relief ot tron, and transportation of American citizem, and for personal serv-
- §p'*,°;f* °"*"°’·°‘°· ices rent, and other expenses which may be mcurred in the District
of éolumbia or elsewhere in connection with or growing out of the existing political disturbance in Euro , there is appropriated, out PWM of any money in the Treasury not otlitrwise a;;propriated the sum mmsmmmt. of $2 500,000, to expended at the discretion o the President; Provided _That American citizens to whom relief is extended or transgortatron is furnished hereunder shall pay to or reimburse the United Expenditures M_ tates reasonable exlpenses so incurred, respectively, on their ¢¤¤¤=¢<1- account, if financially abc to do so. In the execution of the provisions hereof the President is authorized to em loy any officers, employees, and vessels of the United States and) use any supplies of the Naval or Military Establishments and to charter and employ Dmued mmum any vessels that may be rpgluired. required ot sebum. A detailed statement of expenditures hereunder and under the "‘““‘°'*· appropriation of $250,000 made in the joint resolution approved August third, nineteen hundred and fourteen, and of all amounts