SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rss. 31, 33-36. 1914. 777 reimbursed to the United States of such expenditures shall be made to Congress on or before the beginning of its next regular session. Approved, August 5, 1914. N.33.J'1:R1‘G` th'1: thAme¤¤m' RedCrosscharter A 20. a or sliipiiudl for;i•gnuib t;!il1§ ria?tbrl of muses aud supplietg and for all uses in connection with the work of that society. [Pub. Rss., No. Aa.] Resolved by the Senate and House rif Reizgeaentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, at authoriiiy be granted fri$$?¥iir°gnii»s°°:i to the American Red Cross, during the continuance 0 the present ‘°'°‘¤° ’°¢*"'Y- war, to charter a ship or ships of foreign register, to carry the American flag, for the transporta.tion of nurses and supplies and for all uses in connection with the work of said society. Approved, August 20, 1914. [No. 34.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of Wartoreturn to the State fi,°¢}"°R2·_ gg} of Louisiana the original ordinance of secession adopted by said State. · , 0. . Resolved by the Senate and House o Re esentatives of the United States y_America in Congress assembleb, Thlat the Secretaiyoof War `¤¤u¤¤¤• be, an is hereby, authorized to return to the State of uisiana '°“°'°‘*‘°· the origmal ordinance of secession that was adopted by_the people of said State in convention assembled and that is now m the possession of the War Department. Approved, August 20, 1914. I N.35.J`tReso1‘ F the ‘ £GscigeFz·ed'kKunz A`S%21,19lL mgmber ti e..°‘§...s. .u£L'i-iéa gcnm iiL‘T.S'$ih‘°é“.f..“§.s.s.¤. _ °”° “' “ riii- ¤·=- ·»-¤ (Pub. Res., No. 45.] Resolved by the Senate and House o Regresentatives of the United . States of America in Congress assem{led,_ hat the vacanglninjzhe K§¤°:l;_t:°d`;;; commission for the erection of a memorial to the North encan rm§R¤.,, ;¤§i‘,,, u,. Indian, caused by the death of Robert C. Ogden, shall be filled by m°**‘* °°"“"”*°"· the appointment of George Frederick Kunz, of New York. Approved, August 21, 1914. [No. 36.] Joint Resolution To authorize the Secretary of War to grant a revocable Seam}-**`*;,°? @1314- license for the use of lands adjoining the national cemetery near Nashville, Tennessee, ___L;_;fL;L. for public·road purposes. [Pub- R¤¤·» N¤· 46·I Resolved by the Senate and House of Rrigresentatives ¢y‘ the United States 3f America in Congress assembled, at the Secretary_of War §§‘§,“d"§.;,“,;€,",;'},,,y be, an he is hereby, in his discretion, authorized to permit a11_or ¤y:;¤¤;;i¤¤¤ ¤¤m¤t¤ry any part of the land belonging to the United States and ying outside S ` of and adjoining the north and west walls inclosing the_national cemetery near Nashville, Tennessee, to be used for a public road and to be maintained by the local authorities; Provided, That such hcense agi?-rovomble or ermit shall be issued at the discretion of the Secretary of War ' and) upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe, and may be revoked at any time, with or without cause. Approved, September 2, 1914.
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