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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 38 Part 2.djvu/757

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1964 PROCLAMATIONS, 1913. In Missouri and Nevada the closed season shall be between January 1 and Se tember 15; and In Arizona and) California the closed season shall be between February 1 and October 15. mus- RaiZs.—The closed season on rails, coots, and lgallinules shall be pelgween December 1 and September 1 next fo owing, except as 0 ows: Exceptions: In Tennessee and Utah the closed season shall be between December 1 and October 1. In Missouri the closed season shall be between January 1 and Se tember 15. In Louisiana the closed season shall be between February 1 and November 1 · and In Arizona and California the closed season on coots shall be between February 1 and October 15. w°°d°°°k· W00dc0c7c.—The closed season on woodcock shall be between January 1 and November 1, except as follows: Exceptions: In Delaware and Louisiana the closed season shall be between January 1 and November 15. In West the closed season shall be between Decem— ber 1 andOcto rlgand DBI? Gleorgia the closed season shall be between January 1 and em er 1. sh°’° b""‘· Shore birda.———The closed season on black-breasted and golden . plover, jack·snipe or Wilson snipe, and greater and lesser yellowlegs shall be bleitween December 16 and September 1, next following, except as fo ows: - P Exceptions: In Florida, Geor `a, and South Carolina the closed season shall be between Feblruary 1 and November 20. In Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas the closed season shall be between February 1 and November 1. In Tennessee the closed season shall be between December 16 and October 1. In Arizona and California the closed season shall be between February 1 and October 15; and In Utah the closed season on snipe shall be between December 16 and October 1, and on plover and yellowlegs shall be until September 1, 1918. Rnounarron 10. Hnanmos. c,;¤n$ég;i¤z¤ as *<> Persons recommending changes in the regulations or desiring to ` submit evidence in plerson or by attomeiy as to the necessity for such changes should ma e application to the Secretary of Agriculture. Whenever plossible hearings will be arranged at central points, and due notice thereof given by publication or otherwise as may be deemed alppropriate. Persons recommending changes should be pre ared to s ow the necessity for such action and to submit evidence other than that based on reasons of personal convenience or a desire to kill game during a longer open season. all Hitman Hlgzrruf, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this first day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen [snari.] and of the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-eighth. Woonnow WH.SON By the President: W. J. BRYAN Secretary of State.