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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/159

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138 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. l l b ° o rations which shall constitute a charge irnynitie proidleedlsinofctlrldgtinliliier, until an estimate of the cost thereof sliiill have first been submitted to and approved by Congress. ,,,*’°”¤, ,*’¤ md *°”” That the Secretary of the Interior mayI1ssue permits or grant leases oenaruma. on such lands for camping or farming. 0 er·mit shall be issued for a longer term than one year and no lease shall be executed for a longer term than five years. Every permit or lease issued rmder authority of this Act to Indians, or to other persons or corporations, and every patent for an allotment wrthm the hmrts of the forest created b]y,section one shall reserve to the United States the right to cross the and covered thereby with logging roads or railroads, to use the shore line, or to erect thereon and use such structures as shall be necessary to the proper and economical management of the Indian Forest created by this Act; and the Secretary o the Interior may reserve from allotment tracts considered necessapy for such administration.

 °}>*°,g;•,,°¤,“*g _ After the payment of _ expenses connected with the administramaim. tron of these ands as herem provided the net proceeds therefrom shall

be covered mto the Treasury of the '(Tmted States to the credit of the Us. of Red Lake Indians and draw mterest at the rate of four ger centum per · annum. _ The interest on this fund may be used by the ecretarjy of the Interior in such manner as he shall consider most advantageous and beneficial to the Red Lake Indians. Expenditure from the prmcrpal sh_all be made only after the approval by Congress of estimates sub- ‘°*”°¤,,,,, ,°°, '”“° ”° m1'l‘lrGd1t}theuSgci·ii>laSGi:>IB§lsi;yInte shall sel t d t rt _ _ nor ec an se a a a area b. 'M not exceeding twol-`lrundred acres, in sections twent , Itwent;-one, twenty-eight, and twenty-nme, township one hundred and Efty-one north range thntytfour west, cause the ands thus selected to be surveyed, and platte mto smtable lots, streets, and alle , and dedicate sard streets and alleys and such lots and parcels as li; may consider necessary to public uses. The lands thus selected shall not be allotted, gut hel as an Indian town site subject to further legislation by opgress. h°;‘§°‘ °'""°° °' _ at the timber on lands of the Red Lake Indian Reservation out- ¤*¤¤¤¤·¤ ¤t ·*¤· side the boundaries of the forest created by this Act may be Sold under regulatrons prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and the proceeds administered under the provisions of the general deficiency Act vol-22 Wm of March third, eighteen hun and eighty-t (Twenty-second __ , nnmey,an_enrana- _ c $:;;*;::2.:; kzezf asezstizm, ...;..2. rea. :1.ah..;h2s. ‘ °‘· "· P- *3- (Twenty~fourth Statutes at Large, page four hundred and sixty-three), ““‘“*¤·** Mrssrssrrrr. l"“’§"‘“°" °' I"' Sec. 10. To enable the Secret f th Inte to ‘ mm h N m` condition of the Indians living m8§LYss)issipti>i_mdnr(e1port1It2r?)Sei;ir:gti'-tegsti>1r‘i the first Monda of next December as to their need for additional land and school facilities, $1,000, to be immediately available. “°°°“¤* MoNTANA. S“*{¥’°"‘· °‘°·· °* I“· Sec. 11. For sup rt and civiliz f f th I d' tF

i·i$'}¢ eenmp acm- Aglgncy, Montana, iiibluding pay df ?rIrl§1cye;S?$§%?g6%_ Ort Belknap

meme Agency. t orsuplggrt and ciyilizatron of Indians at Flathead Agency, Mon. cm map émg §%p) employ1<;c§x,f$20,000_, of which amount not ex- Fm mk Agmw Fopgsu , rt s d wehezxpen or salaries. _ an cr ation of Indians at Fort Peck Agency, Mon- Bmum . tana, including pay of employees, $30,000 ·*¤¤°Y For support and civilization of Indrans at Blackfeet Agenc Montana, including pay of employees, $25,000. Y,