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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/165

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144 SIXTY·FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. for water supply, $1,600; for the construction of an assembly hall and gymnasium, $25,000; in all, $92,150. _ K°°*"° !'&*“· For the pag of one stlgolcigl atltiornsgy for the ¥’\;§bl<igt1;d18HS of§'pw ` M to design` t re o e mor, an or n traveling etirpensg ofasaidb atllgney, $2,000, or so much thereof as the Secretary of the Interior mayldeem necessary. §gg*,gjg°R°,;·$§.‘;*,F{g'·§*a For construction work on the Indian big way extending from the v¤¤1¤1>¤kr¤Gau¤p. Mesa Verde National Park to Gallup, New Mexico, on the N avajo ""‘ Reservation, $15,000, said sum to e reimbursed from any funds which are now or may hereafter be placed m the Treasury to the §T,'Q"§}°g,,d,,,, ,,,,,,,._ credit of said Indians: Provided, That such sum_ shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior in such manner and at such times and places as he may deem proper, and lll the emglplyrpent of Indian la or as far as possible for the construction of sai g way. Nw wk- NEW YORK. ' ;g_ Sec. 15. For fulfilling treaties with Senecas of New York: For per- V¤l· 4.p-442 manent annuity in lieu of interest on stock (Act of February mne- _ _ teenth, e` hteen hundred and thirgly-one), $6,000. 4 §',§,,§,‘;§;°f"· For fulglling treaties with Six ations of New York: For perma- V<>1- 7. p- 46- nent annuity, in clothing and other useful articles (article six, treaty of November eleventh, seventeen hundred and ninety-four), $4,500. N°'“*°"°“'*· NORTH CAROLINA. ‘”‘°'°"°°“°"°°'· Sec. 16. For support and education of one hundred and eigihlty Indian pupils at the Indian school at Cherokee, North Caro a including pay of superintendent, $30,000; for general repaixs and improvements, $6,000; m all, $36,000. N°’“*D°"°‘* NORTH DAKOTA. _?;,‘;§n‘f_}·;g_s‘°‘“· Sec. 17. For support and civilization of the Sioux of Devils Lake, I ld _ North Dakota, inc udmig pay of emlplloyees, $5,000. @$0** Bm *° · Km For support and civ zation of dians at Fort Berthold Agency, diggipen, me or rn- in North akota, including pay of emplo§es, $15,000, amine Mountain For support and civilization of Turtle ountam Band of Chippe- C*ggg•pggj·m__ was, Nort Dakota, including pay of employees, $11,000. Bismarck scum:. For support and education of one hundred and twenty-five Indian pppils at the gndnar; school, Rismarck, Forth Dakota, including pay 0 superinten ent 22,175; or r d ts, .4 mt, for toys comes,. »3¤§»?»'6‘§"£¤ ..iE‘¥§,i‘§·‘5. ‘““"‘°"°‘”°“ Fm ’¥<>*°°¤ *‘°’*°°l· {For support and education of four hundred Indian pu iis at Fort Totten Indian School, Fort Totten, North Dakota, andp for pay of superintendent, $68,500; sinking wells and making im rovements of the water system $4,000, to e immediately availahle· for barn, wm t Scum $5i•000; for generaldregpaaus and imfprovements, $5,000; in all, $82,500. 1* °¤ · or sup rt an ucation o t o dred d t t Indi pupils at @:1 Indégn school, Wahpgtonflllorth lglikotxaznlrl paylil superinten ent, 8,540; or e d ts, Fm d R $5;IQ;1)0;SE;:r1;eW scl;oo§ &l)r;l1l00l;;I1li1]{a·ll, ;[d3,54uillpmv0mcn 8 °~’· e re ary 0 e tenor is cre th d t 'thdr §¤i·:;:`pi¤ drag; from the Treasury of the United States, tinrizato i.)i.xnwe1, in lll; surplus xliiiiisgxia discretion all moneys derived from the sale and dis ition of surplus vu. as, p. es. lJandsNw1;·;;;l};iBtll;etlimits of the (goxmler Fort Bertholgolindian Reservaion o aoaar1smguncrtero" fthAt d June est, ..m.t..¤’tumt-.d .-...4 eu cl¤.£§£§i’. stfmi. 2.*€‘}I.?.`-Q., page four hundred and fifty-five), together with the accrued interest thereon, and distribute the same per capita to the Indians entitled