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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/166

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Szss. I. Ch. 125. 1916. 145 thereto in the followililigg manner, to wit: To competent Indians in cash share and share e and to incompetent Indians bg, depositing equal shares to their individual credit m banks bonde an designated as depositories for individual Indian moneys, subject to expenditure for the benefit of the Indians entitled under such rules as the Secretary of the Interior may Mprescribe, and hereafter annual distributions shall similarly be m e of funds accruing under the provisions of the Act herein referred to. To enable the Secret-arg of the Interior to redeem a mortgage on §E}{§,{‘°§,'§u§;m°¤. the allotment selection of tarr McGillis, a Turtle Mountain Chippewa ¤*8• ¤¤ ¤ll°*¤¤•¤*· Indian, described as the northwest quarter of section thirty- our, township one hundred and sixtiy-four north, range seventy west of the iift princgpal meridian, orth Dakota, $1,500, or so much thereof as may e necessary. _ _ _ B com To enable the Secretary of the Interior to reimburse Benson 1.%, ,,,,*5;,, of County, North Dakota, for moneys actual] paid to the State of i¤¤¤¤¤I¤<¤¤¤— North Dakota for care and maintenance og insane Indians at the State insane asylum, as follows: Joseph Langer, $457.44; Mary J. Peiihutaskana, $410; Alfred Iittlewin , $630; in all, $1 497.44. or the erection of a headstone to mark the grave of Scarlet Crown ,,,,,_ a Sioux Indian chief of the Walnpeton Tribe, who was buried March thirteenth, e' hteen hundred and sixg-seven, in the Congressional Cemetery, Vllgashingten, District of lumbia, in a grave marked . "76-R. A. 22," $100. _ OKLAHOMA. °*“"“"“· sm. is. For support me cavsiamam tr the wichita we affiliated §¥.’;wz¥.'€‘* bands Evho have been cgzlleeted on tlgp reservatiorps set ppart for their use an occupation in oma, in udmg' a o em o ees, $5,000. K C,,,,,,,,,,,,, The Secretary of the Interior is herebypadrthorizeld zo withdraw ¤¤gig§F§··¤· ' from the Treasury of the United States, at his discretion the sum of u¤¤l;mu•im¤°iar!Z°°°° $25,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache Tribes of ndians in Oklahoma, for the sup ort of the agency and pay of emplcrigpes maintained for their benegt. u,,,,mm,_ ,,,,_ at the Secretary of the Interior be, and he isherebgi, authorized ¤¤1>p¤¤.•w- to withdraw from the Treasury of the United States, at s discretion, the sum of $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessagy, of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Kiowa, Comanche, an Apache Tribes of Indians in Oklahoma, and pay out the same for the benefit of the members of said tribes for their maintenance and support, and improvement of their homesteads, for the ensuingbyear, in such manner and under such regglations as he may prescrx ez Provided, That new-z` u mm;. the Secretazg of the terior shall report to Congress on the first °"'°'· Monday in ecember, nineteen hundred and seventeen, a detailed statement as to all moneys expended as provided for herein. M M Im For support and civilization of the Cheyennes and Arapahoes who dam. ’ ’ have been collected on the reservations set apart for their use and _§:,_fY'“‘”‘“‘***”P‘ occupation in Oklahoma, includingxpsg of emlployees, $35,000. _ K mum For support and civilization of the ansas ndians, Oklahoma, in- “”‘°°° ‘ cluding pay of employees, $1,500. _ _ mm _ For support and civilization of the Kickapoo Indians in Oklahoma, °°°°’ mcluding pay of employees, $2,000. _ _ PMN go;} Sgxpplcgt civilizatiorp of tlpe Ponc:.8 lgggians m Oklahoma ' an eras mcuding a oempoees , . For support and educaltidfn of five Indian pupils at the °w°°°° °°h°°°‘ Indian sc ool at Chilocco, Oklahoma, including pay of superintendent, $86,250; for general repairs and improvements, $7,000; in all, $93,250. 91890*-—voi. 89-—-1-i- 1--10