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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/167

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146 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 125. 1916. mug ‘ Oklahoma: For e etual an- Kznwglcgl cn. nugor 2-Illia paidri31i't<l§.sslinti;>htl]i’d“1l’2;?rfliIees (article three, laglrpeement of lieorllsi P- - Novginber twenty-third, e` teen hundred and ninety-two), $30,000; V°'· “··l"°°°‘ for support of two manuallilbor schools (article three, treaty of Sep- F¤* ¤·°'· *"“°"‘ nt -fourth e' hteen hundred and ’rifty-seven),_$10,000· ””m”’°l°‘ tembcr two y l lg bl ksmith one miller one en meer and W. ulplm ;.l;i·pi·)elziTti:>las)n:ddn:yil*lo, tgilchegl (articlz four, same treaty§,h $5,400; for purchase of iron and)stee5l)0and other fgagdtpeuséllilgpg (article four, same treaty , 3 ; or pay 0 p ysnc ‘ ‘ · all, 7,100. _ Q"*¤•”· ofI•`Ib(i·ddi(imGSrt$l>i2l')Q•i1hi»!aiws, Olirlahomaz For education (article three, llgLmllti>l¤4@glc` treaty oflllgzy thirtpenth, e1ghsteengutn)d§·ed_and thui.y;a;1f;iee;2)}$lligg]f; ; ` ksmith an assistan , an 0 s, iron, an · - Ped-¢°°°°iaéi¤ of rmx- diiilitlilhllio (same article and treat ), $500; in all, $1,500: Provided, "°°‘· That the gresident of the United States shall certify the same to be for the best interests of the Indians. _ _ m{*}"°*'° l""°“°” °‘ That the unexpended balance of §9,533.38 is hereby reappropm; S•?*¤¤¤¤¤t •°¢·» °* ated and made available for contmuigp the relief and settlement o mir°;1l°sl§u;il%e. the A ache Indians formerly connn as {prisoners of war on the Fort Military Reservation, Oklahoma, or the purchase of allotments in Oklahoma, als provided for m thelgciétoig Jtiexpe téhxggglg, ` en hundred an thirtee` n ('I`h1rty` -eig a u_ _ a , gtrgietlseventy-seven), for the three adult heads of families who have not heretofore received allotments. _ ¤&lnlxL°.°°s°h°°iB°` That the Atchison, Tapeka and Santa_Fe_Ra1lway_ Company be, m§*‘°"“’°€‘,.',,j‘,§',§",g,; and is hereby, authorize to reconstruct its line of railroad through za Saiuiigilékauvrw. the Chilocco Indian School Reservation in the State of Oklahoma to °l"”‘°°‘ eliminate, where necessary, existing heavy lgrades and curves, and _ for such to acquire the necessary rig t of way, not exceeding °°"°'"°'“‘ two hundlreizl feet in width, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior and to the payment for the and so taken and occu-

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mine te rea o enrior eairanaequaec · pensatioii therefor, inrgluding all damage whiclimay be caused by the reconstruction of said line of railroad to adtioimng lands, cropsf and other im rovements, said amount to be pai to the Secrets? o the Interior flir the use and benefit of the Chiloeco Indian Schoo . TQ;} °‘"“‘°" rrva. orvruznn rnmns. ,,;},‘l,‘§""”"““°“ °"` Sec. 19. For ex enses of administration of the affairs of the Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, and the compensation of employees, Mmm $185,000, of which $10,000 shall he immediately available. _ ¤;,l$§f“‘f“m°“ mt That the Secretary of the Inttenor pe,1;ind he is hereby, authorized m;¢¤·;·bg;,m¤gsY*gg,_ to_Ipay to the enrolled mem ers o the Choctaw_ and Chickasaw Tri es of Indians of Oklahoma entitled under existing law to share in the funds of said tribes, or to their lawful heirs, out of any moneys belonging to said tribes in the United States Treasury or deposited in any bank or held by any official under the jurisdiction of the Secrets, of the Interior, not to exceed $300 per capita, in the case of the S-hoctaws, and $200 per capita in the case of the Chickasaws, _ said payment to be made under such rules and regulations as the §Q"3·s°°KLdmen¤s. Secretary of the Interior may prescribe: Promkied, That in cases where sucl;1 emglled mpuirhglrs, obxi tlheig gieirs, ar; Indians whe; by reason o their ee 0 `an oo een to the restricted c 888, the Secretary of Etglie Interior may, in his d§scretion, withhold such p)ayments and use the same for the beneht of such restricted Indians: d_¥)¤t=;¤¤gtg; fm P¤’i¤* romkled further, That the money fpaid to the enrolled members as ’ provided herein shall be exempt rom any lien for attorneys’ fees or other debt contracted prior to the passage of this Act except that the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized within thirty dayS