SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I.- Ch. 125.l 1916. 147 after the passage of this Act, to investigate claims not to exceed Uhm °' ¤P°°*¤°d_ $1,950Cgr0win out of contracts alleged to be in existence between :ila°aT°yS °°’°u°'°u John alvin They, William T. Lancaster, Arthur Jennings and glyde Jenniéigg. as e$1V_roIl§eie;Jl mlgmbeis of ghpd Chdyctay or CIl$i.ctl_?asaw ations an e . ir app er an eri at, ames ones, Charles ll. Fechllleyimer and liugene Hamilton, as attorneys, and in case such claims are found to be valid and the contracts approved in accordance with existing law, the said Secretary of the terior ma , in his discretion app y any amounts that may be found due umhzr this aragraph to the aforesaid enrolled members of the Choctaw or Chickasaw Nations to the payment of such fee, but the amounts due hereunder to other enrol e members of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations shall not be held in abeyance to this claim but shall be aid promptly without reference to same: Promkled Aiicwaacucrmsmfurther, That Elie Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to "““°“ °‘P“‘S°“· use no;. to exceed $8,000 oéit of the Chickasaw Choctaw Tribal . funds or the e nses an the com nsation o necessary em- ‘ ployees for the xtribution of the saildl per ca ita payments. That i>°.i?f§°iii$ payment the iecretaiiycgf the lgtericp lie, and he fs g‘e;&>y,fa}1tl(;;>rizedft<E)pi•:’y "°""'“’°““"""°· tot enro emrs te oe onans-o homaaentitled uglder existing law to share in the funds of said tribe, "' EK ‘t°‘%it"é2‘t£§“¤F;.°““ °* ‘*“i6“‘°*2Z¥i° ·b°}.‘§%0$“i{*a3“i.’° m e m a. as or 1 ni ~ -— y any official under the jurisldliztion cme Secretzrg of the Interior, { $300 per capita: Provided, That said payment s I be made under “‘“°“*°°°‘* °" such rules ations as the Secretary of the Interior may rescribe: P further, That in cases where such enrolled mem- R·¤¤*i¢M 1¤·¤¤¤s· bers or their heirs are Indians who belong to the restricted class, the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, withhold such ayments and use the same for the benefit of such restricted Indians: ¥’rom21ed further, That the mone aid to the enrolled members or dgégempt from prin: their heirs as provided herein shall be exempt from any lien for ° attorne ’ fees or other debt contracted prior to the passage of this Act. Eere is hereb appropriated a sum not to exceed $2,000 out ,,,$ _*“’°*‘ of the funds of said Seminole Tribe for the payment of salaries and otlfrer expenses oil said per capita payment or pagmcipts. I Promo o ar' n o attome s an other employees as °" · the Sbdi;tai;S<§nth§)ll)1le1?§;r molly? in his disgretion, deem necessary in progate ngntteri affecting a1l<{)tteesfot1i1the1; heirs the Five slgvilirgpxd ri es an in the severa tri es 0 e apaw gency, an or e costs and other necessary expenses incident to suits instituted or conducted by such attorneys, $85,000. _ Fplr this support, lporitmuanerle, and pxhaixétglntsilnce off thehCherolkee .,.g*,{,j_*;*g•gh°‘f,{P”‘” an rainin Sc oo , near ahlegu oma, or the o an mamimmis. llilgigan chlilcdren of thedFive Ciglgzed belongilng tt; this;-·ees;»;r§¢;;te<% c ,to conucte asan' ustriascoouner e c o the Secretary of the Interior, including re airs and improvements, _ · $40,000: Provided, That the unexpende balance of $7,500 appropri- 1Ad'°d,”"*§,.,.;’“;,¤d_ ated by the Act of A t first, nineteen hundred and fourteen, is W-°°»1>·5°°· hereby reappropriated lor the purchase of additional land, not to exeee sixt . The Sum}df8§;?7S5,000, to be expended in the discretion of the Secre— Sc,'fo{,Q’°‘ °°¤¤*°¤ tary of the Interior, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by quspam mum hun, m aid of the common schools m the Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, ghlckaslaw, antdhSe§x;1cmp1e Natioins agd thezhfgrtuapgw Agency in oma urm e a ear en ing une _ ie , mneteen u re and seventegnz Provided; That this appropriation shall not be subject ,,,,,,,,,1;, to the limitation in section one of this Act hmithipglthe expenditure of ¤g¤:·“' P in money to educate children of less than one·fo Indian blood. ·
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/168