` SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 125. 1916. 153 manner and at such times as he may deem proper in the employment ‘°F"¥‘“"“· of Indian labor for the construction of said road or highway, reimburészgfgl out of tgnyhicunds nop gr lilereazgteg placed to the credit of sai `ansin e asuryo te United States. For continuing the construction of lateral distributing systems to U§,Qf°°“‘P““g"- °*"·· irrigateUthe allotéedhlandsi of the Uncompahgr·e, Uintah, and White fIrr1s¤¢i¤s¤11¤¢—¤¤¤¤ River tes, in ta , an to maintain exist' irri ation systems, °° authorized under the Act of Jrme twentyiirstfldinetegn hundred and V°‘· "·‘· PJ"- sixéilreirnbugsgble as therein provided, $40,000, to remam available . * un'%o rlerrplburge the boa%rd of 6du Iiu(é£ Box ginger Cplunvty, atiznte §§f,§{,?‘,,°,§,,‘}l"“I,'§§,§’,;,, f ta , e ucationo twenty-t 'an u att e as 'e g¤v¤|¤ ¤* W¤¤¤¤¤• School, B?>fr_Elder County, during the schoolpyear of nineteen hundred and thirteen and nineteen hundred and fourteen, and for the educatipn lof twenty-one pupils atdtlie same sch&>ol_dur1ng thescoo earo nine undredan ourteenan mn hundred and, fifteen, $1,684. For the education of twenty-two Iudiangmyiils at the Indian school at XVf?hakie, lllox Elder Clpunty, for tgie sc oo year nin und;·ed an teenan nineteen un an sixteen` ,0IBOm _ ereoas beeccss ,$832. » mine simerahyor the nasa is neebysuaeuzee, to wauanw §’“"· 3*:.% .t, from the Treasurga of the Unitegf Sttlptes futhes sum gg $1,0;0lz,)o(rhso muézila “°“°1l?g‘““ ‘“:£ thereof necessary, e on posi ‘ e cre of the U§t!;l:¥l‘r·ibe of Indians, in the State of Utah, and to use the same to protect the north abutment of the Government bridge at Myton, tah, under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, said sum to be immediately available. WASHINGTON. www Sec. Flor suppggt and civilization of the D’Wamish and other d,§P¤¤» °°¤·» °* I¤· allied tnbes m Was gton, including pay of employees, $7,000. n»w•mm.,•¤¤. For support and civilization of the Makahs, including pay of 1¤¤¤¤· 1 $2,000. 8m1fo portfand lcivilizagiorgogf Qui-nai-elts and Quil-leh-utes, ,,§‘,}‘g,g'§f"°"·"”" Q“"‘ ° m 0 ees, 1, . _ _ m(l?1drsu§>;li:r¥tgnd cgrihiation of Indians at Yakima Agency, mcluding d,§',§,‘f*'”° ·"‘°“°" I“‘ pay of employees, $3,000. _' _ _ col m t _ `or sup rt and crvrhzatron of Indians at Colville, Taholah, Puy- cm ,;d,§;,,_,f °·· Am allup, andpgpolgane Asencies, including pay of employees, and for purchasegf a§n<;11Il}aurP rmplergiants, angrsugport angllgrgrlorpatron of Oliedi six adit (df Sezkafiilgg l.l?%1'8.I;Sl1§glI·0Z?1S(8l'l$l($I0 six of a ment $§,‘{};.,“°'g ,3,, with said)Ilndians,P¢l’ated March eighteenth, eighteen hun§gd and 'P eighty-seven, ratified by Act of July thirteenth, eighteen hundred and ° t -t $1,000. . uuI?01¥o;e(i·ktion and maintenance of the irrigation system on lands I¥,@"‘,,§’,,*?,,,],,,,,,,,,,, SJIOMDKO YakiJmiInd.iaus in $§5i&Igr0,hm§;)1nsab{e m p§(¢éb§%.p.M:V¤1.M, `tht "onso te cto c mneeen Iiincgdred cgnduseverh That money received under ?ee· igyium 0, "_ ments for temporary water supply may be expended under the 1rec— caps tion offthle Secretary of the ntenog lordrgrauitenance and improvet t 11'1'lg- ti te . mlllorzu pint anti eodluiziziorlilocililirade hirlirdred and fifty Indiandpu ils °°’h"'“" °°‘°°L at the Indian School, Tacoma, Washington, m udiing repairs and nnprovernents, and for pay of superintendent, $50,0% said appropriation being made to supplement the Puyallup sch funds used for said school.
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