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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/227

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NATIONAL GUARD.shall be paid by the United States disbursing officer in each State, Territory, and the District of Columbia.

Sec. 91. Discipline to conform to that of Regular Army. The discipline (which includes training) of the National Guard shall conform to the system which is now or may hereafter be prescribed for the Regular Army, and the training shall be carried out by the, several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia so as to conform to the provisions of this Act.

Yearly drill, etc., required.
Sec. 92. Training of the National Guard.—Each company, troop, battery, and detachment in the National Guard shall assemble for drill and instruction, including indoor target practice, not less than forty-eight times each year, and shall, in addition thereto, participate in encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises, including outdoor target practice, at least fifteen days in training each year, including target practice, unless such company, troop, battery, or detachment shall have been excused from participation in any part thereof by the Secretary of War:Proviso.
Minimum practice period.
Provided, That credit for an assembly for drill or for indoor target practice shall not be given unless the number of officers and enlisted men present for duty at such assembly shall equal or exceed a minimum to be prescribed by the President, nor unless the period of actual military duty and instruction participated in by each officer and enlisted man at each such assembly at which he shall be credited as having been present shall be of at least one and one-half hours' duration and the character of training such as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War.

Inspection by Army officers.Sec. 93. Inspections of the National Guard.—The Secretary of War shall cause an inspection to be made at least once each year by inspectors general, and if necessary by other officers, of the Regular Army,Details required. detailed by him for that purpose, to determine whether the amount and condition of the property in the hands of the National Guard is satisfactory; whether the National Guard is organized as hereinbefore prescribed; whether the officers and enlisted men possess the physical and other qualifications prescribed; whether the organization and the officers and enlisted men thereof are sufficiently armed, uniformed, equipped, and being trained and instructed for active duty in the field or coast defense, and whether the records are being kept in accordance with the requirements of this Act.Reports. The reports of such inspections shall serve as the basis for deciding as to the issue to and retention by the National Guard of the military property provided for by this Act, and for determining what organizations and individuals shall be considered as constituting parts of the National Guard within the meaning of this Act.

Encampments and maneuvers.
Participation in Army, etc.
Post, pp. 226, 645
Sec. 94. Encampments and maneuvers.—Under such regulations as the President may prescribe the Secretary of War is authorized to provide for the participation of the whole or any part of the National Guard in encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises, including outdoor target practice, for field or coast-defense instruction, either independent or in conjunction with any part of the Regular Army,Allotment for expenses. and there may be set aside from the funds appropriated for that purpose and allotted to any State, Territory or the District of Columbia, such portion of said funds as may be necessary for the payment, subsistence, transportation, and other proper expenses of such portion of the National Guard of such State, Territory, or the District of Columbia as shall participate in such encampments, maneuvers, or other exercises, including outdoor target practice, for field and coast-defense instruction; and the officers and enlisted men of such National Guard while so engaged shall be entitled to the same pay,Pay, etc. subsistence, and transportation as officers and enlisted men of corresponding grades of the Regular Army are or hereafter may be entitled by law.