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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/247

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226 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 143-145, 147. 1916. b ad` ed tin ed b order of the judge of said court in 0,,,.,,, ,,,,_ glgiibzrs gulgldnvgri; (gdloraldoz End further, That the mar- , shal and clerk of said court shall eac respectively appoint at least one deputy to reside at who shall mamtain an omce at each of the four said places where said court is to be held by the terms of this _ Act." Approved, June 12, 1916. June 12 1916. . . . . . . . ’ . CHAP. .— $200,000f th O ed M11 UB

 orNationalG4uardAdl fi? §&’.&?*’r'§§3‘§, me ae°i§i.ei”"““’¥cr .. e..i‘imii‘;T"“ ‘

UB;=aiitSenacted_ gy the Senaée and Home 0; R{{rve:e;tteztwZ·a2es_ of time N¤¤¤¤¤1 G¤¤rd· totes merica in ongress ass , a or paying e ps’i¤l°eli{»i°?iig°ii°Xrii); exglenses of tlie Organized Militia or National Guard of any State, °°°““’P”’°”‘°· °‘°· Territog, or of th;-nvleistrict of Columbia, whlich may be authorized b th t o ar to articipate in suc encampments as may bg esgablishedmllir the field lhstmction of the troops of the Regular vnjpépwvivacvei Army, as provided by sections fifteen and twenty-one of thelfict @,1*- · · P· of January twenty-first, mneteen and three, entitled An V¤1-32-1>- 779- Act to promote the efficiency of the militia, and for other purposes, sm, p. zoo. as amended, or as may hereafter be authorized lx law, to be immediately available and to remain available until e end of the fiscal ‘ year nineteen hundred and seyenteen, $200,000 is hereby appro- Prwiw. mmm printed: Provided, That when it is not practicable to obtain the ¤Ei°;mi°:e,m. m` presence of reglar troops for a joint encampment, the funds herem ·*""·P·’°’· appropriated all be available for such encampments, maneuvers, and Eeld instruction for the Militia or National Guard as the Secretary of War may prescribe. Approved, June 12, 1916. llgllnd? izzésiiggl EAP. 145.·-—Joint Resolution Increasing the number of sheets of customs stamps

 and oi checks, drafts, and miscellaneous work_to be executed by the Bureau of En--

[ ’ graving and Printing during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen. _ Resolved by the Senate and House o Re esentatives of the United p,"f,,‘§§,‘§,“;}’.§,‘§.._““" States of America in_0qngresa aesemblid, 'lzhat the limitation in the mpucigsbgmersgniaii sundry civil appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred _,%, ,,,,65 ,,,m,,,%§:· ang sitxtgenlgs groatite nuknber ogldelnvered slipests lp; customsl stamps ¤¤- 8- p· ¤ -an o c ec s, an IDISOG aneous wor o execute the °'°°°d°°‘ Bureau of Enéraving and Printing is increased from two hundred, and thirtE—nine thousand and one million six hundred thousand five • · hun to two hundred and eighty-mne thousand and two million one hundred and one thousand, respectively. Approved, June 12, 1916. 'f‘§f’é%§%l?‘ $nar¥h14;.—AnA¤:oiess¤gs¤¤1a1u¤¤»1n¤sa1s¤1ceaneti.saesoscnnmn, [Public, N0.93,] lm °'° °1' m’P°°°¤· Be it enacted the Senate and House Re es ntat' the }’lg*l;;§ia';*¤<}§;Id dw United States 04; in Congress assevnlged, gba: an%:d8di%>nal mcs, csmemis, ere- land district is ereby created for the State of California, to embrace ‘*‘§,,;,,,,pm,_ the land; contained in libs;} following·described boundaries: Beginning at e mtersection 0 the ran lme betw rang ii d ` east of the San Bernardino meridian with tlliusout tesmvlgoauliidalrl; of California; thence north along the range line, between ranges five and six east, to the northwest comer of township nine south, range six east; thence east along the second standard parallel south to the