SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sw. I. CHS. 147, 148. 1916. 227 southwest corner of township eight south, range seven east; thence north along the range line, between rangles six and seven east, to the northwest comer o township two sout , range seven east; thence east along the township line between townships one and two south to its intersection with the Colorado River; thence southerly along the Colorado River to its intersection with the south boundary o California; thence southwesterl along the southern boundary of California to its intersection with the range line between rangles five and six east to the place of beginniif; that the land district s all be md °‘“°"· known as the Im erial district, an the Secretary of the Interior shall be authorized) to select the site of the land office. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior shall cause all plats, '*`”*““'°'°‘P‘°**·°°'= maps, records, and papers in the Los Angeles land office which relate ` to or form a necessary part of the records of the lands embraced in the district hereby created to be transferred to the Imperial land district. Sec. 3. That the President is hereby authorized to appoint, by and ¤.i$§‘£i' ud "' with the advice and consent of the Senate, a register and receiver for said land district, and they shall be sub]ect to the same laws and ‘ entitled to thesame compensation as is or may be hereafter provided gy law in relation to the existing land offices and omcers in said tate. - . ‘ ‘ · Approved, June 15, 1916. · ma?. 148.-An Act To incorporate the Boy Scouts of America, and for other Jllggiigil P¤¤'P°¤°¤- {mum, No. sn.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Hauszlciflriglgrresentativea ache United States of America in Ocmgress assemb , at Colin H. `vingstone §,';,“gg,fg{3°g}‘“A';:,‘; and Ernest P. Biclmell, of Wnshiggton, District of Columbia; Ben- ics inccrpcrmd. gmin L. Dulaney, of Bristol, ermessee; Milton A. McRae, of L°°°"’°'°°°”‘ etroit, Michi an; David Starr Jordan, of Berkeley, Ca1ifomia· F. L. Seel of Asheville, North Carolina; A. Stamford White, oi Chicago lllinois; Daniel Carter Beard, of Flushing, New York; George Pratt, of Broollclyn New York; Franklin C. Hoyt, Jeremiah W. Jenks, Charles P. eill, Frank Presbre , Ed `ar M. Robinson, Mortimer L. Schiff, and James E. West, of Niew Ygork, New York- G. Barrett Rich junior, of Buffalo, New York; Robert Garrett, of Baltimore, Maxzland; John Sherman Hoyt, of Norwalk Connecticut; Charles C. Jac son, of Boston, Massachusetts; John Nicholson, of Pittsbuilgh Penns lvania; William D. Mrnray, of Plainfield, New Jersey; an George Porter, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, their “ associates and successors, are hereby created a bod cgggprate and politic of the District of Columbia, where its domicile be. Sec. 2. That the name of this corporation shall be “Boy Scouts ‘*"’“"¥’°"°”* of America," and by that name it s all have perpetual succession, with ower to sue and be sued in courts of law and uity within the jurisdiction of the United States; to hold such rid] and personal estate as shall be necessary for corporate purposes, and to receive real and personal property by gift, devise, or bequest; to ado&t a seal, and the same to alter and destroy at pleasure; to have offices and conduct its business and affairs within and without the District of Columbia and in the several States and Territories of the United States; to make and adopt by-laws rules, and regulations not inconsistent with the laws of the United States of America, or an State thereof and generally to do all such acts and things _(mcludlr1$g the establishment of regulations for the election of associates an successors) as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Act and promote the purposes of said corporation.
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