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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/249

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228 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. S1-ss. I. Ch. 148. 1916;

  • ’“'P°°¤· Sec. 3. That the ose of this co ration shall be to promote,

through organizationl:‘;)d cooperation vriith other agencies, the ability of boys to do things for themselves and others, to tram them in scoutcraft, and to teach them atriotism, courage, self-reliance, and kindred virtues, using the mesiods which are now m common use by boy scouts. _ S°°9•¤{°,;u_*° ‘°"'°°' Sec. 4. That said corporation may acquire, by way of gift, all the mma assets of the existing national organization of _Boy Scouts, a cogporation under the laws of the District of CQIIIIIIDIB, and defray an provide for any debts or liabilities to the dischaigle of which said assets shall be applicable; but said corporation ave no power to issue certificates of stock or to declare or pay dividends its o ject and purposes being solelyepg a benevolent character and not for pecuniary '>°•'d· Pr(S6tt0it'l'hu6It?h · ° bod fth saidBo Scots fAm ` ¤•°°”'P V Ec. 5. at e verning o e y u o erica poivlig iiim ° shall consist of an eiigcutive ard, composed of citizens of the United States. The number, qualifications, and terms of omce of members of the executive board shall be prescribed by the by-laws. The pgsons mentioned in the first section of this Act shall constitute the t executive board and shall serve until their successors are elected and have qualihed. Vacancies in the executive board shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members thereof. The by-laws may prescribe the number of members of the executive board necessary to constitute a uorum of the board which number may be less than a ma`ority of iihe whole number oi the board. The executive board shdl have power to make and to amend the by-laws, and, by a twothirds vote of the .whole board at a meeting called for this purpose, may authorize and cause to be executed mortgages and liens upon the property of the corporation. The executive board mag; by resolution passed y a majority of the whole board, designate thee or more of their number to constitute an executive or governing committee, of which a majority shall constitute a quorum, which committee, to the extent provided in said resolution or in the by-laws of the corporation, shall have and exercise the powers of the executive board in the management of the_ business affairs of the corporation, and may have power to authorize the seal of the corporation to be affixed to all papers which may require it. The executive board, by the affirmative vote of a majority of the whole board, may appoint any other standing committees, and such standing committees shall have and may exercise such powers as shall be conferred or authorized by the by-laws. With the consent inwritiug and pursuant to an aiiirmativevote of a majority of the members of said corporation, the executive board shall have authority to dispose in any manner of the whole property of the co eration. ¥°•**¤¤- Sligo. 6. That an annual meeting of the incorporators, their associates and successois, shall be hel once in eve year after the year of incorporation, at such time and place as shallv be rescribed in the by-laws, when the annual reports of the officers andp executive board shall be presented and members of the executive board elected for the ensuing year. Special meetings of the corporation may be called upon such notice as may be prescribed in the by·laws. The number of members which shall constitute a quorum at any annual or special meeting shall belprescribed in the b -laws. The members and executive board shall ave (power to holdy their meetings and keep the seal, books, documents, an papers of the corporation within or without the _ _ District of Columbia. •¤i%iXtis§ji%¤§tiilg¢¤i° Sec. 7. That said corporation shall have the sole and exclusive right to have and to use, in carrying out its p oses, all emblems and badges, descriptive or designating marks, ands words or phrases now