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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/250

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SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 148, 154, 155. 1916. 229 or heretofore used by the Boy Scouts of America in carrying out its program, it being distinctly and definitely understood, however, that noiil ing in this Act shall interfere or coniiict with established or vested rig ts. Sec. 8. That on or before the first day of April of each year the said www "pm t° b° Boy Scouts of America shall make and transmit to Congress a rgport of its roceedings for the year ending December thirty-first prece ing, includling a full, complete, and itemized report of receipts and expenditures, of whatever lrind. A dm t Sec. 9. That Congress shall have the right to repeal, alter, or amend mm °° ` this Act at any time. " Approved, June 15, 1916. _ 1:,4:-Agd 'lépaeglnexgda Ac; pintgilgii "An Act sofameplll the statutes m;§i%i·pi%16' mreuon nnmm ono u egoodaan oroerurp0ses,"-——+—————— approved June tenth, eighteen lhoundred and eighty. P lP°bl“’· N°‘ ml Be it enacted by the Senate and House of 1?1egresentat*ive.s;"¢if the United States of America in Congress assembled, at the pri egcs of the Fl first section of the Act approved June tenth, eighteen hxmdred and ggiiima i¤{m<n»i£5 eighty, entitled "An Act to amend the statutes 111 relation to imme- {,'g**P°"°“°¤ "*°*“· diate transportation of dutiable goods, and for other purpwes," vb!. 21, p. m. be, and the same are hereby, extended to the port of Jacksonville, Florida. Approved, June 16, 1916. CHAP. 155.-An Act To ratify, approve, and confirm an act duly enacted by the mfg iitilim Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii amending the franchise held y the Hawaiian Electric Com§any_(Lxm1ted) by extending it to include all of the island of Oahu, [ ’ ‘ ‘l Territory of swan. Be it enacted by the Senate and House eg Representatives of the United States o;AmemZca in Congress assembled, That the act of the Le islature Ijgtwelli l mm of the erritory of Hawaii entitled "An Act amending the ganchise amsnanig mgiise ot ° held by the Hawaiian Electric Company (Limited) by extending it to g§",§,'“‘*,‘}“,,,,{‘§,§§§‘,§`,LY include all of the island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii," is hereby Vvlziii P-227- · ratified, approved, and confirmed, and section one of act fort -eight of the Laws of nineteen hundred and three of the Territory of llawaii as amended and approved by the Act of Congress approved A twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four (now section eight hundiled and thirty-six of the Revised Laws of Hawaii nineteen hundred and fifteen), is hereb amended by striking therefrom the following: "(b) ‘HOHOlUK1, or ‘district of Honolulu} shall refer to, include, R¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤*•1>¤¤¤¤¤~ and mean all of that portion of the island of Oahu included in the taxation educational, and judicial district now defined by law as ‘H0nolulu district} or the ‘district of Honolulu.’ " Sec. 2. That section two of act forty-eight of the Laws of nineteen mP, °*;*g)·;,•<;_°° hundred and three of said Territory (section eight hundred and thirty- va. as, p. 22a seven of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, nineteen hundred and fifteen) as amended and approved by the Act of Congress approved Agni twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four, is hereby furt er amen ed to read as follows: _ "Electric power, manufacture, sale, and so forth: The right is E‘““" °’ ’”*“°""°· hereby granted to the Hawaiian Electric Compani (Limited) as a body corporate under that or such other name as the said company may hereafter adopt, and its successors and assigns, to manufacture, sell, fumjsh, and supply electric light, electric current. or electric