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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/251

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230 SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Srss. I. Ch. 155. 1916. power on the island of Oahu, Territory of Hawau,_for hghtrng the streets roads, public or rivate buildings, or for motive power, or for any other purpose which it or they may deem advrsab e, and from time to time, or the pprposes above mentioned, to construct, maintain and operate suita le (poles, lines, wires cables, lamps, lamp—posts, conductors, conduits, an such other appliances and appurtenances as may from time to time be necessary or the transmission, distribution, or supply of electricity to the consumers thereof, under, along, upon, and over the streets, sidewalks, roads, squares, bridges, alleys, and lanes in said island of Oahu and to connect the said lines, wires, and conductors with any manufactory, private or public building, lamp, lamp- ost, or other structure or o ]ect with thelplace of supply. ' F¤{,;<¤¤¢= ¤¤¤ Sec. 3, 'lllrat section three of Act forty-eight of e Laws o ninemii:. ai, p. zza teen hundred and three of said Territory, as approved by the Act of Congress approved April Twent -first, nineteen hundred and four (now section eight hundred and y-eight of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, nineteen hundred and fifteen), is hereby amended so as to read as follows: " P°"f“ ""‘“°‘*°“°· "Power· houses, and so forth: Said company shall also have the . right to maintain and operate its present light and power station on the corner of Halekauwila and lakea Streets, in Honolulu, said island of Oahu, and also to construct, maintain, and operate, at such points as may from time to time be necessary, light and power stations or houses, or such other buildings and structures as may be necessary and proper, and to use machinery therein for the purposes Sub t h_ of the comp`%ny." _ ,,m,,,,"§‘§Y,,,,,‘§,,,,*?,‘},,'j§ Sue, 4. at said Act forty-eight of the Laws of nineteen hundred

  • <>¤¤°•¤·•*¤· and three of said Territolrg, as amended and approved by the Act

of Coniress approved Ap Tweztiy-fist, nineteen hrmdred and four, is here y er amended by dingla new section thereto to be known as section fifteen A (and to be own as section eight hundred and fifty A of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, nineteen hundred and fifteen), and reading as follows: "This franchise, and the person or corporation holding the same, shall be subject as to reasonableness of rates, prices, and charges ' and in all other respects to the provisions of chapter one hundred and twenty-eight of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, nineteen hundred and fifteen, creating a public utilities commission, and all amendments thereof, for the regulation of the public utilities in said Territory and all the powers and duties expressly conferred upon or of the superintendent of public works or the courts by said act creating) said franchise are hereby conferred upon and required of _ _ said pu lic utilities commission?

  • ·"*""'°“’· Seen 5. That the public utilities commission of the Territory of

Hawaii is herebyagranted the power to order the Hawaiian Electric Qgmpany (liium _ ), its successors or assigns, to make extensions of ‘ its service hues within the island of Oahu, whenever it shall be made to appear that said extension is a public necessity and that said extension or extensions can be made to earn a re bl magna. . _ asona e profit on submmmiw by the cost and mamtenance of the same: Provided, That an orders of °°“’“ the public utilities commission herein provided for shall be subject mmdmm to review llglthe courts of said Territory. ` ‘ HS¤<>,_ 6-_th tit 0<>¤sr¤¤?. péothe Legzslamre or the Territory of swan wr ea rova o ma a ' or repeal this Act?p @’ Y t my t““° ""‘°'· “‘“°“d# Approved, June 16, 1916.