SIXTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 156. 1916. 231 CHAP. 156.-A.n Act To ratify, approve, and confirm an act dul enacted by the J¤¤¤ i<`>» 19i6· Legislature of the Territory of Hawau amendin the franchise held by the Honolulu ls' 5685*] Gas Company, Limited, by extending it to include all of the island of Oahu, Terri- {Public, No. 97.) tory of Hawaii. Be it enacted by the Senate and House o61Representat·ives of the United __ States ¢%;America in Congress assembled, at the act of the Legislature §':§'°‘,j, 1, hmm of the erritolrgly of Hawaii entitled "An act amending the ranchise ¤;r¤g¤¤i¤lzue¤¤ rgriincmw held by the onolulu Gas Company, Limited, py extendin it to §.my°°rirmiaGiici:°m` include all of the island of Oahu, Territory of awaii," is liereby V°i·‘*‘·P·é3*· ratified, approved, and confirmed, and section one of act thirty of the Laws o the Territory of Hawaii, nineteen hundred and three, as amended and approved by an Act of Congress April twenty-first, nineteen hundredp and four (section nine hundred and five of the revised laws of Hawaii, nineteen hundred and fifteen), is hereby amended to read as follows: "SEctr10N 1. Manufacture and su ply: W. W. Dimond, of Honol W- W- 1>i¤¤¤¤d· lulu, island of Oahu, Territory of Hliawaii, his associates, successors, ,,,g§§},‘“°'i‘°°‘°,,,“‘“}‘,j‘g and assigns, or such corporation as hefor ting shall cause to be incpr- i¤¤¤¤d·>f gimporated under the laws of the Territory of awaii the or they being `· ereinafter referred to as W. W. Dimond),‘ __ hereby? authorized an empowered to manufactrnre and supply gat: for use alas, for illuminating purposes, and otherwise, m Honolulu, -which`,'for the p of this charter, of the jsland 0 u.}! ’ · ‘ . s {A ’·· i -:' .. *‘ l' ° Sec. 2. That ,said act th.u·ty` of. the latvs. of hundred and B¤bi•¤¤ wl P¤*>¤¤ three of said Territmryjas amended and; approved by m1`Act of Con- iiiiy¤ut:,¤tc. mss Eress approved Ap ’ twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four, is ereby fllrther amended by adding a new section thereto to be known assection 7A (and to be known as section 911A, revised laws of Hawaii, nineteen hundred and fifteen), and readin as follows: "The franchise and the person or corporation holdin the same shall be subject as to reasonableness of rates, prices and charges, and in all other resfpects to the provisions of chapter one hundred and twenty-eight o the revised laws of Hawaii, nineteen hundred and fifteen, creating a public utilities commission and all amendments thereof for the regulbtion of the public utilities in said Territory, and all the powers an duties expgess y conferred ufpon or required of the superintendent of public wor or the courts o said act creating said franchise, are hereby conferred upon and required of said public utilities commission and any commission of similar character that msgy hereafter be created by the laws of said Territory." E0. 3. That the public utilities commission of the Territo& of E"°"”‘°“'“‘ Hawaii is hereby granted the power to order the Honolulu Gas m- pany, Limited, its successors or ass' , to make extensions of its service lines within the island of Oblilixs whenever it shall be made to appear that said extension is a public necessity and that stud extension or extensions can be made to earnareasonable profit on the cost and maintenance of the same: Prqmded That all orders of 1R’,°,,”"",,;,, by th, the public utilities commission herein provided for shall be sub]ect mmto review b the courts of said Territory. _ __ Am Sec. 4. Tliat Congress or the Legislature of the Territory of Hawau, °"d“‘“"‘ with the approval of Congress, may at any time alter, amend, or repeal this Act. ‘ Approved, June 16, 1916.
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