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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 1.djvu/253

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232 SIXTY-FOURTH, CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ons. 157, 158, 160, 161. 1916. · CHAP. .— blmhm` W` ton-Sal , th State f _ K  ?@iEL_ ssa MK ..?.°p.’}.'i°.,i*”3i.§;2.;’,“‘...d.. $2;.*;*.; ii.; t...¤i‘“,..,;‘»1‘t...?»,.1..i‘i. [Public, No- 98-1 and engbgéegoverning the immediate transportation without appnusement of dutiab e lI!8IdB!1 . B ’t$07tGd€db'Q/”MS¢HGtGG7ldH0¢860{R6 escntativesp the United %“,,L’,’}_",,;,,,,,,,,, N_ Statgs of America in Congress assembled, Tgdt the pnviéges of the G-.¤¤¤¢~·1";i_}}·¤·<1i=¤e> seventh section of the Act approved June tenth, eighteen hundred %"Z$°°'°°t pd"` and eighty, governing the immediate transportation .of dutnable V<>1- 21. v- 174- merchandise withoutisstgppraisement, be, and are hereby, extended to the port of Winston em, m the State of North Carolina. Approved, June 16, 1916. _ ‘ ' In}: T G§t:ry:P. Act To amend certainpublicutility company franchises in the · · ern o wan. , . .1 . _ , _ [mm Na 99 Be it enacted_by Senate and House of Representatives oj the United g_a;l?· n., mb States oj America in Uongress_assembkd1, That each and eyerycpublicpennies is psy uu to utiht company operating withm the emtory of Hawau un er any °°'”*"°“· franchise or charter heretofore approved or granted by the Congress of the United States shall, withm one mont after the expiration of each calendar year, pay to the treasurer of the county m which said company operates such per centum of the gross receipts of said_ company for the preceding calendar year as 1l'»S franchise now requires it to ay to the Territory of Hawaii. , _

  • “"°"""""" gmc. 2. That all Acts and parts of Acts incons1stenfwith this enactment are hereby repealed.

Approved, June 16, 1916. ¤ » · . .- A T ` ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘


[Public, 0.100.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Rc entatives oftbc United §‘?,‘§§f§,?5,,Q'§“”,{§,§‘§; States of America in assembled, Thbtsthe Commissioner of ¤s¤¤¤>·- Fisheries be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to conduct investigations and explpriments for the p e of ameliorating the gghrnagc gvrcught to t gshenes by dogtish and other predacious _ 1 es an aquatic amm . ,,j¤’{,¤}‘j,',"§‘°$,‘g,f‘,,‘,‘; ““‘ Sec. 2, That the said investigations and ex eriments shall be such as to develop the best and cheapest means ofp taking such iishes and aquatic animals, of utilizinv them for economic urposes, especially ger flqod and to encourage the establishment of fisgieries and markets t . ’ A:>¤¤>¤ri¤u¤¤. mSmc(lu?3. That the sum of 525,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appgeotpriated, out of an money in the Treasury not otherwise a ropria , to enable the Cbmmissxoner of Fisheri PP _ _ es to carry out the provisions of this Act, the same to be immediately available. Approved, Jime 21, 1916. Jayme. .1 .— APm"i ‘ ·- Tpufgiéiilol ae°.}n.i}§s.`§n O2‘i—‘2;‘§s3§.."2€€?§.‘Eh“?.“t$?‘»¥.£i.L;°;T“ °‘ “’° ""‘“°‘ ’ Be it enacted by the Senate and House R taf the U ' wxmmsw, rem. States of America in Congress assmnble¢(Z'Tl11z;.1te8al7l:errli)e<`;fo`la'he dis7il·ig. Term cream si. court or the middle district of Tennessee shall be held at Winv o(1`kd37, p. z 15, ghester on the first Monday in April and the third Monday in Novem. BIHEH l Er. Approvcd, June 22, 1916.